Beringels(RWBY) Evil Creature Ch24

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Beringels are creatures of Grimm first seen in the "Volume 4 Character Short" that resemble large gorillas.

Tier: High 8-C

Classification: Creature of Grimm

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, immorality (Type 1), enhanced senses (All Grimm can detect negative emotions across vast distances, as well as the souls of living beings), adaptation (Grimm are able to evolve over time to be able to counter threats as well as adjust to their environment), self-sustenance (Type 2), absorption and soul manipulation (Grimm are capable of absorbing a being's soul, destroying it in the process),  natural weaponry (Teeth), flight (Some Beringels mutated by Salem possess the ability to fly), immunity to soul manipulation (Due to the lack of a soul)

Attack Potency: Large Building level+ (Gave Post-Beacon Ruby a difficult fight)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic reactions and combat speed (Kept up with Ruby)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Large Building level+

Durability: Large Building level+ (Blocked several shots from Cresent Rose and Ruby had difficult cutting into its body)

Stamina: Superhuman (Grimm has never been shown to tire)

Range: Standard Melee Range

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Above Average (A Grimm with a somewhat more evolved intelligence, being able to actually show some combat skill instead of attacking widely like most Grimm, even going so far as to work together with a Beowolf to use the weaker Grimm as a projectile)

Weakness: All Grimm are weak to powers associated with the God of Light such as the Silver Eyes.

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