Chapter 3- Harry

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Chapter 3- Harry

Everywhere I drive past I think of her. I met her once and now I'm going crazy. It's ridiculous, she's just another normal girl and suddenly I have feelings for her? She doesn't even know who I am.

After that, I went to meet up with Louis in my favourite cafe. He texted me that he had some problems and that he wanted to chat, so of course I went to go.

"Hey..." Louis said, as he got up from his seat to greet me.

"Hey. I see you've got me tea, thanks." I replied with a smile, as I sat down opposite Louis and covered the ceramic cup with my large hands. 

It felt so nice to have my hands warmed up, the end of January is always the coldest time of the year in my opinion. And always the best, as my 19th birthday was coming cup in a couple of days time!

"So, how's life? I haven't seen you since last week." Louis asked, after taking a sip of coffee.

"Well, it's been busy." I sighed. "I got called in for recording for three days, I hung out with Grims for a couple of days after that and now I can relax." 

"Cool, so you're free all day?" He then asked.

"Yep, pretty much." I said, taking a sip from my tea. "You had any fan encounters in the past days?" I asked him, mentally thinking about Julie this morning.

I want to tell him all about Daisy but if I do, I'll probably never hear the end of it. He knows I haven't felt this strongly over a random girl before and it's probably just my mind playing tricks on me again. I probably don't like her that way. It's because I'm fucking desprate.

"Loads. Mate, I'm so tired. One of my neighbours must of posted my address online because every night I've had fans screaming outside my door." 

"Why didn't you say? You could of slept at mine until they went?" I said, confused.

"I didn't want to bother you. I saw how much fun you were having with Grimmy at those nightclubs- I read Eleanor's magazine and I saw a very nice photo of you and some hot blonde." He said, wriggling his eyebrows when he mentioned the words, "some hot blonde".

"Urgh, I was drunk. I can't even remember her name." I smiled, because it's true. "So, anyway. You said you had some problems?" I said, changing the subject, before the name Daisy could slip out of my mouth.

I've really got to stop thinking about her.

"Yeah. People on twitter think I'm cheating on Eleanor- which I'm obviously not- it's just they wont believe me." He said, with a face of hurtfulness, lightly tapping his index finger on the brim of his mug.

I feel really sorry for my friend. This situation has happened many times to him, before, and it's never exactly ended well. I was also a part of some of his situations before, and I was just as angry as he was.

"I'm sorry. There are "fans" out there who think they can say whatever. That they can say anything without any proof. As long as you know it's not true and that it's all lies then it's fine. Some of these girls can be stupid, you know? I know it must hurt to see all these things people who don't know you have said but if it's not true then it's not your fault- it's theirs." I comforted him.

"Thanks, you're right. It's just I wish they'd all shut up because Eleanor fell for it. She actually phoned me up one night this week to ask me if it was true. And that meant she didn't trust me fully." Lou continued.

"Mate. I'm really sorry. I can tweet about it if you like?" I offered.

"No it's fine. I think that would only make it worse to be honest, but thanks." 

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