Chapter 33- Harry

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Chapter 33- Harry

"Ok girls, please leave Harry alone now, he's not your date and he's here to have a good time. Go. I don't want to see you around him again tonight. You hear me?" Hailey harshly grunted in the girls' faces. The girls nodded in a scared way, their eyes opened widely at the brunette as they backed away from us. "If they come up to you one more time...then Jesus I don't know what I would do..." I didn't realise Hailey is as harsh as Daisy can be. I can see in many different ways why they're such good friends. They both feel the need to be agressive whenever something irritating comes their way, is one example of what they share.

"Thanks." I grinned at her, leaning against the stage. My eyes locked on to the blonde in the flowy pink dress as she was talking to some her friends, being surrounded by other partners who were dancing to the music. I could see her lips curling at the sides, and even though she had a mask on to conceal her pretty face, I could hint the glistening in her eyes as she listened to what her friend had to say. She looked even more stunning than she normally does and that was a shock to me. 

"I'm sorry that I took Daisy away for a bit, there were people who were dying to meet her and talk to her." Hailey's voice woke me up. I was scared to see if Hailey mentioned Daisy due to me staring at her but I'm pretty sure it was just to mention her absence. 

"It's alright. I've been pretty busy anyway." I laughed. My eyes travelled back to Daisy, who was on her phone, laughing at something that was been shown on the screen. I can't get over that smile of hers. I can't stop staring.

"Sorry...again for that." Hailey's guilt made her duck her head, looking at the ground. I wasn't to fail to keep up with not making the party a disaster for her. I couldn't do that, for both of our sake's. 

"Hailey." She looked up. "It's your party. Stop being sorry and go have some fun. I'm fine." I reassured the girl. She didn't say anything in return, she just hugged me. I had no idea why, maybe it was just to say thank you or maybe it's because no-one else knew how much the 19th meant to her? For whatever reason, it sure has shown me that me and Hailey can be friends, which makes life a whole lot easier now. I don't have to keep regretting whatever I say and do, even if it's not to be pointed out as a mistake. 

Hailey soon moved away from me, making sure she got to talk to everyone in the room and that she enjoyed her night, making me all alone for once. I drank the last reminder of what was in my glass and then placed it on the near by table. I thought I should really be with Daisy but then I didn't want to ruin her fun with her friends. It sounded like she had been spending more time with me in the holidays than anyone else and I was pretty sure she hadn't seen those school friends in ages. 

I decided to take out my phone to check up on things. I had received a few texts from Niall, obviously sent from a drunken Niall- not a sober one- I figured that out by reading that half of the words he sent me were incorrect and muddled. I had also gotten a couple from Ed, asking me if I had any free time left of the holidays and then a text from Louis asking about how to make some sort of pie. None of which were incredibly interesting to read or to reply to, so I slipped the phone back in my trouser pocket.

Before going to collect another glass of champagne, a loud squeak appeared out of the speakers that surrounded the room. Hailey was struggling with the microphone handle, trying to adjust it to a right height but of course, she soon gave up in a strop and used the mic in her hand.

"Hey guys! Hope you're enjoying yourselves. It's so close to 11 right now and my mission was to get everybody dancing at least one song before dinner. I have noticed that not everyone has danced- including me. So...If I see that one of you haven't danced yet then you better dance in the next couple of minutes, before we eat." Hailey gave us all a sarcastic and jokey smile before shoving the microphone back on it's stand and trotting down the steps of the stage. 

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