Chapter 36- Daisy

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Chapter 36- Daisy

"I'm not coming." 

"Why not? It's the first day back." I asked Hailey. She was tucked up as if she had the flu, in her bed, but fully clothed and ready to go. 

"I don't want to see him." Hailey groaned before dramatically sighing and ducking her head underneath the duvet. She was so devastated. I had no idea what the day was going to be like for me. I knew something was going to happen though.

"He's probably not in today." I walked in to her room and attempted to lift the duvet from her head. "C'mon Hails." 

"I'm not coming!" She exclaimed.

"You have 5 minutes otherwise I'm going by myself." I walked out the room and began to time 5 minutes on my phone as I went back down stairs to make a last minute flask of coffee.

Hailey has been in the same state for just under a week now. I feel so bad for her and there's nothing I can do to help, apparently. She's barely eaten a crumb and I can see that's beginning to effect her health as I can see more bone than skin at the moment. The fact she doesn't even eat one meal concerns me. Maybe if she ate at least breakfast then I wouldn't be as worried as I am.

It's terrible. 

She briefly mentioned seeing Harry in the cafe that he showed us a couple of months back, asking her if she was alright. I'm glad he did that, ask if she was ok. If I saw a person who looked like Hailey does right now I wouldn't ask anything. I wouldn't be brave enough.

"Hailey! I'm leaving!" I shouted, waiting by the door.

"Bye. See you later." She replied. I was pretty certain she wasn't going to come in to school. I wouldn't if I were her but it's weird not having her chat and sing along next to me on the ride there.

The car ride to school took a little longer than usual but I still got there on time. I kept on asking myself why I decided to wear my dance wear to the school rather than change there due to me being fucking freezing in the April weather. Most girls wear their stuff to school but I normally just change in to some black sweats when I get inside. 

"Morning Daisy. Have a good holiday?" Stanley asked. He began to start making my cappuccino. I swear if this university didn't have a starbucks, A. I would die and B.  I would be so flippin' grumpy.

"Yeah. It was pretty good thanks." I tried to smile. All I could think of was the image of finding Hailey at the end of her bed, crying her eyes out. It was a pretty bad holiday, to be honest with myself. "How'd it go for you?" I asked.

"Really good thanks. In fact I have something to tell you." His large hands plopped on the lid to my drink. 

"What do you have to tell me?" I asked with a curious tone. I like how Stanley always made my cappuccino hot but not too hot. He put a cardboard hand protector around it, just incase, everytime. He gets me and my nightmare of burning half of my tounge off. 

"I got a job." 

"What?" I stopped trying to get my payment card out of my handbag and looked up to him as he waited, anxiously, for a good reaction. "When? Where?" 

"In a publishing block. It's just being an intern for a while but I know someone there and they told me it's really easy to work your way up to the top."

"Where is it?" I sounded so fucking rude. I should be happy for him. He's one of my best friends, he deserves to be happy and he deserves his friend's support.

"Urm..." He nervously arranged a couple of napkins in the holder, directing his eyes away from mine. "Edinburgh." 

"Scotland!?" I practically screamed. My eyes buldged out in shock and my eyebrows were forcefully raised. "You're going to fucking Scotland?"

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