Chapter 4- Daisy

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Chapter 4- Daisy

Who does he think he is? I had such a bad day yesterday and he had to come along and make it worse. I had only met him in the morning and what do I get? I get some annoying "hello" from him a couple hours later. 

Like, seriously? He had obviously never been in the area before he had come to drop Lux off and then he ends up stalking me, finding me in my favourite park. I swear if I see that boy in my park ever again, I think I might be calling 118 118 to get the hit-man services.

The way he just came up to me, to say hello- let alone asking if I was alright! 

For fuck's sake, that boy has got issues.

If Julie heard any of this, she'd probably slap me and scream "How could you be so rude? You don't know him! Harry is so sweet and touching. How could you do such a thing like that to a guy like him?" 

Gosh, I don't even know what these directioners see in them? I'm guessing they're all like Harry as well, all big headed and arrogant. Harry is apparently the most popular with the girls and all I see in my head when I hear that, is him cheating on a group of them- all in one night. 

Why would he even care to ask if I was alright? He doesn't bloody know me at all. If I saw him in the park I'd probably stare because I had met him that day but I wouldn't go up to him and say hi.

Last night was awful, just as bad as the whole of yesterday. All I dreamt about was me being trapped in a damp, grim castle, that stood on a far away land, for years- waiting for my prince in shining armour to come and rescue me. I remember I was terrified because there had been casted a deadly spell upon me, that if my prince didn't come in the next 24 hours I would turn in to an old grandma, and all my long hair I had grown for ages would fall out. I was sobbing, crying my eyes out until I heard someone call from outside my small, bricked window. It was a familiar voice, raspy and quite deep. I rushed to the window with hope and longing dreams sizzling through my veins, thinking this could be it- I can finally escape with my loving prince! I looked down with passionate, open eyes to witness Harry. The guy I practically hate. My smile dissappeared as soon as our eyes met and his curly puff ball of hair flicked itself out of place. 

"I'm here to fetch you my beautiful love!" He shouted from down below. "Don't you worry!"

"Harry no! Go away! I'd rather die than be your princess! Leave me alone and get me a real prince. A nice one, one who's nothing like you!" I shouted back. 

And all I remember happening after that was he left, on his donkey (not a beautiful white stallion- like there normally is the farytails) , and I died alone, with no teeth nor hair in that cold floored prison . Probably my worst nightmare ever. 

Today will be different, however. I know it will be. It's a Monday, so everyone will be working and I will be at uni with all my lovely friends who know me best. I love my week days, I know I'm so weird for saying that, but it's true. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday I have university and then on Thursday and Sunday I have nursery work. 

"FIRE!!! DAISY, HELP, THERE'S A FIRE!" I woke up to the screams of my friend Hailey, who I live with. She was slapping me awake and I soon panicked when I fully took in the words she was shouting to me.

"WHAT? WHERE?" I screamed back at her, litterly leaping out of my warm, cosy bed and slipping on my towel dressing gown as fast as I could.


I rushed down the stairs and into every room we owned. Searching for sources of light and flame. I checked the living room, kitchen, dining room and studio- all our downstairs rooms.

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