Chapter 39- Harry

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Chapter 39- Harry

"Good morning." I smiled as the beautiful girl entered the room. I had probably woken her up due to how much noise I was making in the kitchen. 

Her bruises had turned back to more of a skin colour but a light purple and green still remained. The swelling had gone down completely, though. I just thought it was going hurt for a couple of days, that's all.

"Morning." She grumbled, wiping her eyes as the light from the windows practically blinding her. "Mmm that smells good."

"I've made pancakes." I said. My wrist flipped the sizzling pan to make the solid batter flip over sides. Thank God that I didn't embarrassingly mess that up in front of her. Once whilst flipping pancakes over, one hit the ceiling because of me. I was so glad that never happened again.

"Yum." I heard her lick her lips. "Do you have to be somewhere today?"

"I have recording but at 12. Don't you have university?" I placed a plate down in front of her, sliding the pancake off of the pan. I had finished making all the food but I supposed she wanted the warmest one. They're always much nicer. 

"Thanks and no not til 2." I sat down, opposite her at the table. I was happy to see she hadn't changed, she was still in the oversized pajamas I purposely gave her. She looked adorable in my clothes, I loved it. "Can I just?" Her finger pointed to the toppings on the table.

"Yeah, yeah. Dig in." My head shook as I forgot to tell her to start eating. "Oh, the teas..." I remembered I had made us both a brew, reaching to the counter before sticking the cup next to her. 

"Thanks." She smiled, her top set of straight teeth showing. At the bottoms of her green eyes was where a pile of brown and black makeup had settled, telling me she didn't take it off yesterday. I'm pretty sure if she took it all off yesterday, I wouldn't of known. She's beautiful either way. "Mmm this is so good, Harry." Her voice tried to speak through a full mouth. "Did you follow a recipe to that berry sauce?" I watched as she delicately wiped away the red colouring with the top of her index finger.

"No, I just made it myself." I smiled at how she was scoffing my creation right up. She's told me she loves food but she was purely passionate. 

"Well it's delicious." She nodded her head in approval, before taking another bite out of her pancake. 

We ate all of the ones on the plate and became extremely full. I had noticed that she took a pancake with every topping on it, which isn't like me, as I like to only have lemon and sugar on my ones. I mean, I like nutella, strawberries and all the rest but the good old sour and sweet is generally what I like to stick to. 

I let Daisy take a shower, as I had already gotten dressed and waited for her to come back downstairs, dressed in her own clothes. The black leggings fit her legs perfectly and the oversized hoodie was defiantly a man's one, it wasn't in a woman's proportion. I missed not seeing her in my own clothes, I could wish for the day where she would just feel like putting on a top of mine and  feeling anything but awkward about it, like it's normal, but the messy bun she had put her hair in reminded me of how she stayed the night.

The sofa was extremely comfortable but again, I could wish for the day where I could slip into a bed with her by my side as if it were a normal couple thing to do. I knew she was really upset about what was going on with Hailey, it happened to her before but the way she hugged me yesterday, the way she let me, made my heart practically melt.

It was perfect. 

"You ready?" I asked her, throwing my car keys in the air, from one hand.

"Yep." She said, getting her phone out of her bag. I waited for her to reply to a text before shutting the door behind us. My voice stopped itself from asking if it were from Hailey due to my mind telling me it really wasn't any of my buisness.

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