Chapter 35- Harry

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Chapter 35- Harry

"Why does it take you so long to pack?" Louis' voice called. He soon entered my room to see me sitting by the end of my bed, on my phone and eating popcorn. "Why aren't you packing?"

"I don't feel like it. I have all day to pack." I looked up at him. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't hear what I had said, due to how much was in my mouth.

"I want coffee, though! C'mon." He begged, sitting in front of me.

"Yeah, just wait. I'll pack and then we'll go to the cafe. Just be patient." 

"It'll be packed in there by the time you finish. I only want a drink and a muffin." He moaned back.

"Louis. It's Saturday and it's also only 2 in the afternoon. There wont be people filling up every space in the cafe. Just calm down and let me pack."

"Fine but I'm taking the phone and the food away from you." He grabbed the bowl before I could get it back. He then also did the same with my phone, snatching it from my left hand.

"What? Why?" I asked, getting off of my butt. 

"It'll distract you. You have 20 minutes to pack and then I want to see you downstairs, ready with your shoes on." 

"And this is all for a coffee and a muffin?" I asked, with one brow raised. 

"Yes. So hurry up." Louis strutted out of my room.

It was Saturday, the last Saturday before going back to work. I had fun on my month of a holiday but to me, it went way too fast and frankly it was way too eventful. I'm not complaining that I had a couple of fights, a bit of hate and all of that. I get that all the time, I'm used to it. I was just hoping it would be more of a holiday than it turned out to be. It wasn't extremely relaxing. 

Tomorrow is the 15th of April, the Sunday that we start recording once again. It was a bit stupid to make us record some songs before the holiday and then give us a month's break just to go back to it after 4 weeks but I guess that's life. The reason why I'm packing up some clothes is that sometimes we can record from about 6am in the morning til 12pm at night so our manager tells us to pack a bag incase we don't feel like going home, meaning we can sleep in the rooms there.

I also haven't seen Daisy since the day after Hailey's party. That's just over 4 days without seeing her. I know it's stupid but I think it does feel a lot different when she's not with me. I've been a lot more stressed without her. She hasn't phoned me or replied to my texts, either.

"I'm ready. You happy now?" I asked, jogging down the stairs. I quickly placed on my converse before grabbing my coat, keys and my phone, which I got back from Louis.

"When did you become so fond of my favourite cafe?" I asked him. 

"Ever since I got one of their lattes."

"Nah, it's all about the cappuccinos, mate." I shook my head at him, as a grin played on my lips.

After shortly arriving, we made our way up to the cafe as I stupidly decided to park my car further away from the place. It felt so weird not having any attention at the cafe because normally I have packs of fans waiting outside. 

"Harry! It's so nice to see you again!" Clara said as she saw me enter with my friend. 

"I haven't been here in a while, have I?" My fingers tapped against the metal rods made for trays to lean on.

"No but your friend here has." I could see her smile from the side, as she emptied out the slot in the coffee machine.

I've known Clara for a while, she came down to London with me. She's one of my family's closest friends and the same goes for me. Her family is very close to mine and even though I don't think much of her in a way that most people with close friends do, she's still very nice and charming. I think she may have some feelings towards Louis... 

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