Chapter 54- Daisy

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Chapter 54- Daisy

"Hello?" Harry shouted. The only thing I could hear was the echo of his deep voice and the sound of his converse hitting the floor, as he walked further in to the building. 

Someone had obviously broken in through the door, as I checked the lock as Harry entered the cabin. The key hole had been cut in half, making it easy for the person to come barging in to Noah's property. Also, the bolt of the lock had been squished, making it seem like they had used either a credit card to slice it through or some sort of device that is only known to the world of the robbers. 

We weren't mistaken by the scene, someone had definitely broken in to steal something. I wondered what they wanted? It's not like the cabin was filled with gold.

"Is anyone in?" Harry shouted yet again, as he sauntered more in to the hallway. His head travelled from left to right, checking for any sign of movement. "Daisy, you can come in. There's no-one here."

"They sliced the lock, so we'll have to see if the keys still work." I explained, travelling in behind Harry's toned back. My hands shook as I slipped my shoes off, before following Harry. "Oh shit."

My eyes rushed to the kitchen that we entered. The table had been turned upside down, there were a couple of broken plates on the ground, mixing in with loads of envelopes of different colours and it looked like the thief was pretty hungry, because there was a trail of crumbs scattered on the counter. They looked like crumbs of some Jaffa Cakes.

"We should check everywhere." Harry said with a straight face. I couldn't tell if he was angry, or sad, or confused, I couldn't read his mind from looking at his features for once. I hated that. I hated not being able to sense what he felt. "How about you go upstairs and see if they've knicked any of your stuff from the room? I need to see what's missing from the cabin. Also, get changed. I don't want you getting ill."

"Okay." I bowed my head and walked out from the room with my head staying held downwards. I had my hands locked together in front of me and the sound of my wet socks sweeping against the wooden floorboards filled my ears. I wanted to know what Harry felt about the situation.

Well, no shit Daisy, he's probably angry that someone's broken in to a place that is his friend's, and not even his own. What else would he be feeling at this sort of a time? 

But I knew it wasn't just anger that he was feeling and that's what angered me. There had to be something else. 

To be honest, I was scared of walking upstairs alone in that time, when someone could just jump out at you, in a matter of seconds. The way the landing, at the end of the steps, seemed darker than usual made the hairs on my arms stand up. A strange breeze of air filled the hall al well, one I had never felt before. I didn't like it at all. 

I decided to go in to the main bathroom, that was to the left of the landing, first. Me and Harry never used this one, due to the en-suite bathrooms that both our rooms owned. The door had always been shut to the main toilet, but of course it was finally open. Thanks to the burglar. 

My hand went straight to my forehead in a stressful way, as I lent against the door frame, trying not to be to shocked at the mess. Whoever had broken in definitely wanted something, it looked like they were trying to find a certain object. A normal thief would just destroy a couple of rooms, searching for money or something to sell off but this person was on a rampage. They were looking for something.

The mirror had been smashed, the medicine in the cabinet had all been taken (even the painkillers), the bin had been emptied out on to the floor and the shelf and it's held objects were scattered amongst the tiles. It was just horrifying to know that someone thought they could just get away with doing such a thing. How could these sort of people in this world not feel at least a tinge of guilt? What if someone did the same to them? Wreck their homes?

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