Chapter 60- Daisy

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Chapter 60- Daisy

"Good luck, yeah." My eyebrows raised. "Go knock him dead."

"I'll try." Hailey giggled. Her arms wrapped around my shoulders, as mine took themselves around her waist. A nervous smile played on her lips, as she looked towards the front enterance of the massive building. "I'll see you later."

"Are you sure you don't need picking up?" I asked as she walked backwards in her heels.

Her dress looked gorgeous on her, actually. It was dark blue and looked very formal, seeing as her taste in clothes normally consisted of wear for clubs and bars, instead of interviews.

"No, Dan promised he'd come by." 

"Alright." I grinned one last time. "Bye." 

With a couple of waves of farewell, my friend had entered the large office space and I was left by myself to watch the opened doors fall shut, leaving me with no sight of Hailey. It was Thursday May the 23rd. The day she had been going on and on and on about until my ears completely shut out any thing to do with the words "ballet" or "interview".

Not because it was annoying (it was but that wasn't the reason why), it was because the person who got her the interview was Harry. And every time the interview had been mentioned to me, he and only he, came to mind. 

It was awful. I hadn't slept ever since he left me. I hadn't taken the hoodie that smells of his sweet scent off at all during when I tried to sleep. I hadn't stopped thinking about him... It was a terrible time and I had no idea when I was going to either give up or when I was going to fully breakdown. 

The worst was that I always felt like I needed him, as if I craved him to be in front of my eyes. I thought the break was going to help me stop falling in love with him or at least think about my actions but all it's doing is making me deluded and now I don't know if I'm doing the right thing or not. 

It had only been 5 days. Pro: Maybe it could get better? Maybe with time I would forget about the feelings in side of me? Con: I knew, deep down, that that wouldn't happen. He's stuck in my mind forever and I wish he wasn't. The feelings inside of me are worse than when I'm close to him. It's meant to feel good but I feel so shit.

I still hadn't told Hailey anything and I hoped, I properly, properly hoped that she didn't suspect a single thing when me and Harry were saying goodbye. She may of been suspicious about how long we took but I'm sure I won her over with the whole "I just wanted to say thank you" thing.

Since then, Dan had come round and I don't know whether he's a good actor or if he's just a good liar because the show he pulled off when he was at ours' for dinner far very very good. He had the best manners and behaviour I could of wished for- but that, of course, didn't stop the thoughts of slapping him a thousand times for what he's done. 

After I dropped Hailey off at the Fiztroy Place offices, I got back in to my car and went to find the nearest Starbucks. After entering the one on North Audley Street and ordering my usual skinny cappuccino, I sat down in the lightest yet most private corner of the cafe and looked through my phone. 

I still hadn't replied to the text he sent me. With guilt, I had saved the picture, but I hadn't sent anything back. I spent hours and hours everyday, looking and somehow hoping at the photo and the message. I knew just staring over it for hours wasted wouldn't do anything, nothing at all but I carried on doing it. My fingertips continued to type something, reading it again and again and ending up erasing all of it due to doubt and never sending him a word let a lone a character. 

It wasn't due to me telling him he wasn't allowed to phone or text me, it was because I didn't know what I could reply with. If I told him I missed him too- which of course I did- then he'd proberly get the wrong message. If I told him that he shouldn't of text me, he'd think we weren't even friends. If I told him to delete me off his contacts or to delete the photo of us together, he'd think everything had been chosen to be left as it was and thrown away.

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