Chapter 66- Daisy

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Chapter 66- Daisy

"Yeah, well I like the pink one but I like the blue one as well." Hailey said. Her hands flapped around the pages of a magazine that she held in front of me. Of course I didn't give a shit but I had to act like it at least. "Daisy! Help me here."

"Why are you asking me? I don't wear dresses and you know that." I took the booklet out of her hands. "You shouldn't be looking at this anyway. We're in France and we didn't come here to shop for more clothes, alright?"

"Fine." Hailey moaned, harshly taking the magazine back from me.

She opened the glass door, holding it open for me, as we then walked up the wide stairs of the lobby. People around me probably thought that the sound of my stomach grumbling, was an earthquake. That's how hungry I was. Also, the delicious fresh foods filled my nostrils from the first step I took, making me sprint up to the second lobby as fast as I could. I waited for Hailey to un-stick her head from that stupid magazine and catch up with me, before we entered the buffet room where were in the last night. 

The room was practically empty and it must have been because all the other people who were staying at the same hotel, woke up extra early to get the first of the foods. Luckily, I could see that they stocked up completely on the buffet, making sure that the breakfast didn't close until 11- like the leaflet promised. 

A couple of rich looking families were scattered on tables around the edges of the large room, getting the most privacy they could find, whereas everyone who we came with obviously thought it would be wise to stay at the same table as they did the other night, so that we knew where to go. All the boys and Perrie were already picking away at the foods, collecting pieces of toast, yogurts and pastries on to their plates, but me and Hailey walked towards Sophie and Danielle who were weirdly chugging down bottles of water. 

"The thing that bothers me the most is that they're perfect for each other. Like, they're meant to be." Sophie said, swinging a bottle around in her motioned hand. 

"I know right. Just get together and be happy, that's what I say. The way he looks at her is so sweet." Danielle replied.

"Have you heard him talk about her, though? It's like he's daydreaming, bless him."

"They're so perfect." The girls squirmed together. 

"Who's so perfect?" I came around the other side, with Hailey slowly trailing behind me. I sat down at the table, opposite both girls before looking up to see they still hadn't replied and were staring at me as if their answer would be illegally obliged. 

"Urm..." They looked at each other... in a shifty sort of way. "You know..."

Sophie awkwardly coughed loudly in to her fist, bulging her eyes slightly at Danielle. "Ella and George." Her hands reached for a really flimsy, celebrity magazine that had obviously just been translated in to English, for the tourists to buy them. Looks like Sophie fell for that one. My eyebrows furrowed, asking for more of an answer. "From the X-Factor."

"Oh, sorry I don't watch the X-factor." I dismissed them. I couldn't help but noticed how they both breathed out at the same time. "Did you guys sleep well?"

"Yes. Those beds are the comfiest things ever." Danielle exalted. "Liam told me he had a dream that you had won against Louis again, at snooker, and that one of the balls knocked his eye out."

"Really?" I chuckled a little. "I dreamed of space."

"Space?" Hailey asked. "You hate anything to do with physics or space."

"Liam loves the stars. His favourite constellation is Lepus."

"That's cool, that's the same one-" I stopped. "Urm...never mind..." I shook my head. 

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