Chapter 64- Daisy

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Chapter 64- Daisy

"Ladies and Gentleman, we will be shortly landing in Marseille in a about twenty minutes. We advise you to take this time to pack up any belongings, so that departing the plane will be as safe and quick as possible. Thank you."

I placed my headphones back on my head, and un did my seat belt when the light above my head switched off. My eyes rolled back and my body no longer shook from the terror of flying, as the music filled my ears.

"So don't go away, say what you say, say that you'll stay, forever and a day, in the time of my life."


"Cause I need more time, yes I need more time, just to make things right."


"Damn my situation and the games I have-"

"Daisy." My eyes opened, realising that the Oasis song wasn't being interrupted by their lead singer, Noel Gallagher, but by Harry, who sat by my side on the plane. Even though I hoped it was Noel, I was pleased to see I was next to him. If I wasn't sat there with Harry and Hailey, I would of had a proper panic attack on that plane. He and the music had helped me a lot. "I need to use the toilet."

"Oh. Sorry."

I put my phone down on my seat, as I got up for the boy to walk past me. He thanked the act with a smile, before walking off down the isle to get in the short queue for the rear-cabin toilet. I could sense people following my gaze and what I had my eyes on for so long, so I quickly pulled my head back, facing frontwards and before putting my music back on, Hailey stopped me. 

"I can see why you like him." She grinned. "He's so adorable to you."

"Shut up."

"It's your fault for telling me everything that's gone on. I knew something was going on in Cornwall, I knew it, I knew it!" 

"Alright, can we please not talk about this?"

"Is it because we're on a plane? Filled with other people?"

"No, it's because it's no longer your business, Hailey." I growled through my teeth. "Why the fuck did I have to tell you all of this?"

"Because you love me a little bit more than you love him." My hands angrily through the fashion magazine that she had left by her feet, up to her face, to try and clear the annoying grin she kept showing. "Ouch."

"I warned you to shut up." 

That's right. I told Hailey about me and Harry. Of course I didn't tell her the details, I told her the things she probably did need to know as a best friend. I wasn't planning on telling her anything but it was during the second week of not seeing him, before going to the studio to find him there a couple of days later, I was found crying whilst looking at the photo on my phone again. 

Hailey hasn't seen the photo, but she's seen me looking at my phone's screen every couple of minutes whilst missing the times we had in that week. Hailey hadn't been told anything but she had been told that the black hoodie I could not take off for twelve hours each day, didn't originally belong to me.

Hailey had already figured something had gone on and I knew she had, ever since the day me and Harry said our farewells. And ever since I told her that I liked Harry in that way, she wouldn't shut up- and I wish she did. At least she promised she would keep the information to herself and that she would only mention it to me, if it were needed.

As I was about to get out of my seat again, Harry stood on the edge from coming back from the toilet, he looked down at me and placed his hand on my shoulder. He told me I didn't need to get up, and to stay sitting instead, before squeezing past me. It was very hard not to ignore the quiet giggling coming from my friend and the massive grin she had playing on her lips, due to the way Harry's behind got so close to my face. 

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