Chapter 37- Harry

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Chapter 37- Harry

"She's what?" 

"Harry we need you back in here." I held my finger up to the men, telling them to wait a second. I could see all of them were annoyed. Niall's face showed signs of worry but Liam was pissed off, just like the studio managers were. "Harry. We need you to go back in there. We only have you, Niall and Liam to work with."

"Yeah, sure. Urm I'll be half an hour." I hung up the phone and popped it back in my pocket.

"Harry! Come back here now!" The manager shouted as I rushed in a hurry.

 Without saying a word to anyone, I quickly ran out of the studio, sprinted down several flights of stairs and got in to my car. I knew it was stupid of me but I had somewhere more important to be. It's not like the paparazzi could see me anyway, as I dashed out for the secret exit of the studio.

Worry took over me as I thought about the state she was in. Hailey warned me to look out and see if Daisy was going to do anything wrong... but she hasn't phoned me or texted me in so long so how could I have known? I suppose I should of known, this is Daisy I'm thinking about. 

I got to the university in just minutes, it didn't take me half an hour but I have to admit I went through a couple of red lights to get there. I'd do anything to make sure she's alright and safe. Anything.

"Yeah, I'm here for Daisy Smith. Music and dance student." My fingers anxiously tapped on the wooden ledge that rested by the window between me and the receptionist. I waited for her to stop clicking and typing on the computer that was in front of her, before nodding her head in agreement. "Thanks." She let me through the doors and told me to go to room KC05. I knew where that was due to the day I tried to apologize to her by singing for her exam. Those memories should of been erased from my mind now.

The halls were silent except from the sound of my keys and phone scratching the side pockets of my skinny jeans as I ran in the direction of the room. I got lost here and there but I managed to get to the room in under a couple of minutes- just like my car journey.

Someone was talking to a girl outside in a stern voice. The girl's mouth was covered in what looked like blood and her hair was sticking out in random places, just like she had backcombed it in to a bird's nest. Her eyes shifted from looking at random angles as she was getting shouted at by a women who was dressed in gym wear. 

"I know I'm not supposed to be concerned about your personal life but you've clearly made her upset. What you did was wrong." The lady gritted her teeth at the girl. I think she was a teacher, she had to be. 

"But Miss. Jace-" The girl tried.

"No. I don't care if she was the one who started it. It wouldn't of happened if you weren't such a monster of a student. Your grades have dropped down from an A* to a D. That's not going to get you passed, Alice." My face dropped at the sound of her name. The girl who obviously made Hailey upset.

"Urm, sorry. I'm here to pick up Daisy." I interrupted. I had my hands in my front pockets, trying so hard not to look at Alice's glare that she gave me. 

"Oh yes. Thank you so much for coming. She's in the room." The teacher tried to smile. I couldn't blame her, I wouldn't be able to if I had to deal with Alice. She sounds like a bloody nightmare. I said thank you and tried to give a dirty look at the girl before going inside but I think the teacher saw me. 

As I opened the door to the room I saw the same middle aged looking man as I had met last time I was there, with his hand around Daisy as she was crouched down in a ball, by on of the windows. Her upper cheek was badly bruised and the same with underneath the left side of her chin. I could tell by the way she looked up at me entering the room she was hugely confused about me being there.

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