Chapter 7- Harry

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Chapter 7- Harry

I still barely know her but today is special. When I saw her getting pushed away by Paul I felt like a superhero coming to the rescue. I felt strong and proud to be out there with her, letting her inside in front of all the wishing fans.

I felt so strong that I went for it. I held her hand. I just couldn't resist them any longer, they looked too smooth and soft to not be touched.  Her long piano styled fingers entwined with my extra long ones looked and felt perfect. It felt like it was meant to happen. Before I felt like a photo without a face but when I held her small, little palm against mine it felt like a dream- like that photo was complete.

I just hope she didn't feel too pressured by me as she doesn't really know me that well. There are paparazzi outside so I didn't actually think of what the magazines might print out to the shops today, at the time. Knowing the parts of Daisy I know already, she probably wont like that the magazines come up with the idea that we're a couple just from us holding hands.

Hopefully her friend Hailey being here and all will help her if she is.

Hailey is really nice. At first she was a little crazy- I'm used to that from any fan I come across- but then I felt like she really knew me even though I had never met her before. It was weird, it was like she was a soul reader or something. I like it when fans do that, they understand they have a chance of me getting to know them if they show the real them, to me after a while.

"So do you dance like Daisy?" I asked Hailey at the table, meanwhile Daisy was in line to order some drinks for her and her friend.

The blonde is wearing black skinny jeans- which really compliment her amazing legs- with a brightly coloured graphic shirt, grey hoodie which is quite large on her and white converse. Her gorgeous hair being half covered by a black beanie, which is planted on the top side of her head. She's changed since I last saw her this morning. The fact she did that makes me smile inside, because she changed clothes just to see me here.

"Yeah, we go to the same place except she's way better at dance than me and she does more than me. I just do ballet but she does like everything" She replied with big hand motions when she described how much work Daisy does at her uni.

Hailey is a very pretty girl as well. She has very pale skin, almost vampire like, and brown sugar coloured hair- which is straight but her hair nearest to her face is curled outwards (like Kim Kardashian's). Her eyes are pretty normal though, the average used brown. 

"Oh that's cool. Did you get your exam card today, like Daisy?" I carried on, but my eyes kept staring at the luscious, golden waves that fell like some sort of beautiful waterfall.

"Oh no, I got mine like a month back. I didn't do as well as Daisy though and I don't sing like she does." Hailey sad, almost in a sad way. Her eyes focused on the table her elbows laid on.

"Oh ok." Is all I could say. "Do you mind if I take a few pics with the fans outside whilst Daisy's in the queue?" I added.

"No, of course not. Go ahead." 

I went past the counter Daisy was waiting at, she still wasn't at the front of the queue and I knew it was rude of me to leave Hailey all by herself at the table but I found it was quite awkward between us when Daisy wasn't there. 

I opened the door and suddenly my ear drums litterally burst. Jesus christ, these girls have a scream.

"HARRY! HARRY I LOVE YOU!" They all screamed at me as I came closer.

"Oh my God, Harry I love you! Can I get a photo with you?" One brown haired girl said as I came up to the barrier that my bodyguards had put up.

"Yeah, sure." I said, with my grin. I took her Ipod and took the photo. I was quite glad with that one, as my spots didn't show and at some point this afternoon it will be uploaded online somewhere- for everyone to see- including my management, who are always telling me off for my teenage achne.

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