Chapter 9- Harry

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Chapter 9- Harry

I've had enough. One thing goes wrong because of me and thousands and thousands of nosy strangers think they can send me hate, like I'm not already hating on myself for what I did. I've cried myself to sleep pretty much every night since that day. 

I haven't seen her, I haven't heard of her, and worst of all I haven't apologised to her. 

I'm so cross at myself, why would I do that? I have no idea why I did that, and why I had the feeling to? Every fan of me and my friends' band looks up videos of me and my Mum on youtube, me being so respectful to a kind woman like her and now I've messed this all up.

Not just for me, not just for the fans, but for Daisy as well.

I've never felt so down in my life. That meet was the one time I would start a friendship with her. To be closer to her, to feel the warmth from her eyes again. That one chance to be with Daisy and I ruined it all by myself. 

Everytime I go food shopping with a couple of mates, we walk past the newspapers and magazines. They instantly pick up a copy of one of the tabloids for their girlfriends, and pretty much always the same story of my life is on the cover. I mean it, I've had enough of this Daisy thing. I haven't had enough of her, fuck no that's only started, but I've had enough of this story, all these rumors- everything the magazines can sell off making people believe this pile of shit.

I need to win her back, I need the pretty girl to see me in a different light. Yes, I've made a massive mistake but I've learnt from it and I'm glad I have. I now see what an idiot I have been and hopefully Daisy will understand that.

Daisy might understand it, Hailey might, everyone of my friend's might but the magazines wont for sure. But do you know what? I don't give a shit about what they think or say becasue it's a load of crap. If they want a story about me, they should just ask. It would be a lot better if the stories were actually real.

"You alright, mate?" Zayn asked, as he came up behind me when I sat in one of the studio's spinny chairs.

"Not really." I mumbled, into my hands- which were covering my face.

"I'm sorry. I know it must be hard but you don't know that girl so it's alright, isn't it?" 

"Zayn, I might not know her but I do want to know her. Daisy's gorgeous and talented and I dunno, I just got that feeling in my stomach when I saw her for the first time." 

"Woah, woah, woah. You didn't tell me you liked her this much?" He said, sitting in the chair to my right. 

I'm surprised that Zayn didn't get it like the other boys. Liam, Louis and Niall all got that I had giant feelings for Daisy- as I was so upset about the topic. It's weird because I get so many stories made up about me and normally I'm sad about them but I'll pass them by, but this time I was really bummed down and Zayn didn't get it?

I just find that really weird. Normally he's one of the first out of my friends to realise something much worse has happened (if it has appeared.)

"I felt quite embarresed by it, I suppose. You're right, I should of told you about her though." 

"No, Haz it's fine. I just wanted to see if you were okay." 

"I'm not." I said before taking in a breath. "The magazines have said so many rude things, so many stupid things and everytime I see one of their stories published I just wish she hasn't gone and bought it- to read it and then cry about how she met such a horrible guy like me."

"She wont think that, you know she wont." My brunette friend said with a serious face, his brown eyes locked with mine.

"She will though, Zayn." 

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