Chapter 14- Daisy

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Chapter 14- Daisy

1,2,3,4,5, more days until my big extra-credit exam! This is actually exciting now. Eliza fucking doolittle has sung in my house. How much better can this get right now?

We've practised over and over and over again, until we thought it was time to sing for the last time, infront of Mr.Cromwell. The good news was that...he loved it. He said he knew I could do it and he said my voice has improved a lot. Hopefully I'll be getting at least an C...maybe even an B?

Fingers crossed!

Even though the exam is all I'm thinking about, I have to give a little thought about John. One week without contacting him seems incredibly weird and I keep reminding myself to resist from him. I don't know if I should continue being friends with him or not. What he said about Harry was just...awful, plain awfulness. I still can't believe that was him on the phone that day.

But, I guess, on the brightside of my life right now is that Hailey has new boyfriend. She's kept it a secret from me for 4 whole months, that little sly bitch. He's called Dan and he's coming to have dinner with us tonight. It's a Saturday, my only free day off working, so of course I said yes.

I've seen photos of Dan, he's pretty damn cute. He has green eyes and brown curly hair- which isn't too long for my liking. He kind of reminds me of someone but I can't quite think who. I could totally see Hailey with him and hopefully they will last a long time. I think they're both coming home at around 4, so I've got the whole day in here by myself for now.

What to dooo? Urm...? It's still really cold outside, and we're in the second week of March now. It's kinda ridiculous, the whole of British weather is a joke half the time. At least it isn't raining, I suppose?

I could bake...even though I can't. Err, I could prepare the dinner? I'm not the best cook in the world, but good for a student. I can make spaghetti bolognese. That's not good enough, is it? Why is life so difficult? Oh My God!

I'm sick of Keeping Up With The Kardashian's now, I've watched too many of the same episodes as they're always on the TV. I don't want to go outside because it's bloody freezing. I don't feel like going into the studio to keep trying to sing better than I already am. I seriously have no idea what to do. I'll probably end up randomly getting out my old knitting needles and start making another scarf- who does that, though?

"To: Hailey

Hey, what can I do? Sooo bored. :( xx" I sent on my Iphone, before checking my Instragram feed.

I always check the Popular Page on Instagram, to see which accounts have made it with the most likes. I often find a load of photos that make me laugh on there, so I refresh the page regularly each and every minute of the day- I'm addicted. Scroll, scroll, scrolling down the page. Haha, that cat one was funny. I click the like button after everyone I find halirous, I'm very generous with my "likes" on the app.

"zzzzzzzzz" My phone indicates I have a text back, after a long and hard Instagram stalk.

" From: Hailey

Go shopping. Buy some Spring clothes or an outfit for your exam, maybe? x "

Hailey is amazing. Why didn't I think about shopping? I love shopping! Oh my gosh, I should do like a massive shopping trip, I think I do deserve it... I've earnt the money, so why not?

I couldn't be bothered to reply back and say thanks for the idea, plus I don't want to disturb Hailey and Dan once again. I practically sprung out of my seat from the leather sofa that I always perch on and grabbed my bag, jacket and keys. I locked the door with a smile on my face and started making my drive towards Oxford Street. 

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