Chapter 56- Daisy

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Chapter 56- Daisy

"Are you alright now?" I opened the door to see a very concerned-looking, attractive friend of Harry's, leaning on the wall besides the frame of the the entrance to my room's bathroom.

"Yeah, I'm good thanks." My hands wiped my sweaty forehead, before groaning my way back to Harry's room. 

I had thrown up for the second time that day. The first time was simply down to the whole break-up of my body, reacting to the sudden menstrual cycle that unexpectedly appeared and the second round was the same, yet worse, because I stupidly decided to eat a couple of minutes later. 

It wasn't my fault, Harry teased me with the good smell of pickle and mature cheddar that floated around the whole cabin. It looked too good to miss. Plus, I had only had a small breakfast that morning and then a biscuit at around 2:00. 

When Gabriel had come round, I didn't even get to say good-bye to Harry. He just rushed down the wooden steps and greeted his friend at the door, before I watched his gorgeous Range Rover race off, down the the driveway. 

I know it sounds stupid but when he heard the knock on the door, and left me instantly, I felt a pain of hurt rush through me. And I was certain it was a pain of "hurt" because I felt really down when he had gone. 

Also, when I was vomiting in the toilet for the second time that day, I didn't have Harry to sooth, relax or distract me. I didn't have his hand clasping my hair away from my face, carefully, making sure he got every piece of fiber out of my way. I didn't have his warm, comforting hand, patting and stroking my back, instead I got an echoing sound of my guts being thrown up and no-one to help me get through yet another round of filtering my foods and insides. 

Yes, Gabriel was very sweet to come and look after me, and it was very, very sweet of Harry to send him round, so he could get the essentials I asked for but Gabriel isn't Harry. He isn't the same boy that I love to have running after to me, he isn't the one looking in every corner of my mind, making sure all he sees is happiness. 

Gabriel was just there to watch over me, whereas Harry doesn't do that. He comforts me. It was also extremely awkward whenever I left the room, leaving his friend there by himself, due to my period annoyingly starting just before Gabriel came up the stairs, to say his first hello. I hoped and hoped it wasn't going to be that heavy due to me only having two sanitary pads. I needed to wait for Harry to get back to feel a little more comfortable. 

I missed Harry, which is why I ended up telling Gabriel about him. 

"He cares so much for you."

"I know he does." I smiled at myself. 

Gabriel had been perched at the end of Harry's bed, with his legs crossed, in a slouched yoga position, as he was about to listen to everything that had been trapped in my mind, ever since I figured out I had strong feelings for Harry. 

"You know he likes you an awful, awful lot?" I nodded my head embarrassingly. "He hadn't told me he liked a girl at the time and I thought you were just a very good friend of his but when I saw you for the first time, when you came out of the cabin as me and Haz were talking, I knew there was something going on."

"He didn't tell me that he liked me until Monday and it wasn't until this morning that it finally hit me that he actually likes me more than I thought he did." I said, staring down at my intertwined thumbs that rested on the sterile white duvet.

The butterflies that I get when I intertwine my fingers with Harry's simply came back in to mind, just by looking at my own embarrassed digits.

"Well when you came out of the cabin, the first time I had met you, the way he smiled, turning round to see who I was staring at, I just knew. Just like that, I knew, that he had strong, strong feelings for you. And at the cafe, when he put that ketchup on your nose..." My cheeks flushed as Gabriel reminded me of the memories of the holiday.

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