Chapter 61- Harry

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Chapter 61- Harry

It's now June, June the 5th to be precise. Me and the boys have been working hard on the album and the new schedule has only just been learnt by me. My brain didn't seem to want to remember any of the times, which is slightly irritating. 

I've done so much recording of songs that sometimes I want nothing else more than just to sit down and stay quiet for once. If I told Greg my throat had been strained he would take it far more seriously than it was, which is why I've just carried on singing the notes.

That morning, we arrived at the studio at the normal 7 o'clock time. We found a group of the crew in the studio, talking with Greg for some reason, as me and my band mates waited outside.

"Apparently, we're not recording today. Greg is probably asking them to edit a little before France, so we have more recording afterwards." Niall announced to me and Liam.

Louis and Zayn were doing some weird thing up the hallway, far away from us three, so they wouldn't know what was going on. Louis wouldn't care anyway.

"So we came in for nothing?" Liam asked.

"No, I think we're going somewhere else, but I'm not sure." Niall replied.

After about 5 more minutes of standing around, waiting in the hall, Greg and the crew came out. The people walked by us, whilst our manager called us all in and made us stand in a line, to talk to us all as a group. 

"We're going to a different studio today, boys. Some of the equipment has gone bust on us for some reason and the engineering people are going to try and fix that all today. We have the minibus out in the back right now and Paul is going to take you in because the building isn't secured and you won't be the only artists there due to last minute bookings, okay?"

Greg stood up, stacked some papers in his hands, before logging out of the main computer on the glass desk. He looked at us with an apologising look, before opening the door for us to exit.

"Bus is waiting just by where Harry's car is parked. Harry lead the way, I'll see you in there, boys."

We all finally crammed in to the tiny bus, with Liam sitting next to me. The time was wasted on everyone trying to find their seat belts, and it took half the time to get to the tempory studio. It was a sweet, yet tall building- looking quite Georgian- with a modern opening, double, automatic glass doors and large windows took up most of the space. 

Paul lead us in, even though there wasn't a fan in sight, luckily, and signed us in on the list at reception. He made us wait in the foyer, seating place, by a fireplace, until he came back to tell us to wait even longer because there were a few issues with the computing and room that we were going to be in.

Zayn took a book about art from one of the shelves and started to read it, on one of the dark red sofas by himself, whereas me, Liam, Niall and Louis all sat still, together. Liam and Niall where talking about France and I wouldn't even dream about looking at Louis. He'd kill me if I took one glance.

"Are you guys taking anyone to France?" Liam asked. He leaned back in his corner of the sofa and waited for an answer. 

"I might do." Louis grumbled. I expected him to tell us all that Clara was first on the list, yet I knew he wouldn't, due to me being there. "What about you Harry?"

"I don't think I will, actually. Maybe Gemma, I'm not sure yet." I tried to sound at least a little bit optimistic.

A short silence fell upon us all, as we took a quick look at our surroundings. We thought it was a bit annoying having to change studios that morning, but really, even though it was a under budgeted space for what we normally get, it was a very beautiful area. The normal studio was mainly modern, with lots of simple, white and spacious hallways and rooms whereas the one we found ourselves looking around in, was very tasteful. 

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