Chapter 59- Harry

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Chapter 59- Harry

"So this is it?" I said, placing my hands in my pockets.

"This is it." She breathed.

Her waves fell down the sides of her face, as her eyes directed to the pebbled grounds. Normally I would of loved to look at the way she'd look at me, but in that situation all she would of shown was pity. The opinions of the situation we were in weren't balanced. I wanted her to stay the same, and she didn't like that. She wanted a break away from me and everything to do with me, just to think about her actions. 

"Can I still text you? Or even phone?"

I begged for one little part of her. I wasn't going to survive without one little trace of the girl I love. The sound of her voice over a device or even a text that was clearly customed to her writing, would of made me feel much better. Would of made me feel much more wanted than I was. 

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"How am I going to do this, Daisy? How am I going to move on for however long you need, without you being there?" My voice sharpened.

"You will."

"I won't. You can obviously tell I didn't get a minute of sleep last night, so how am I going to be able to do this?" I knew she had seen the way I looked. She had been looking at me throughout the journey without even knowing I could see her. 

"Because if you knew I was choosing the right thing to do, you'd get on with your life. You don't need me." 

"But I do. I do need you." My voice cracked. I could feel the tears building up through my eyes as her head lifted slowly, in sudden shock. 

A long silence fell between us, as Daisy stared right in to my eyes, making me feel as if I couldn't take the pain anymore. My mind was telling me that I had  to take it, though, because I would have days, weeks and maybe months of long-term pain to come. The pain had been created simply because she hadn't realised how much I needed her there, by my side, helping me through the bad days. 

"How long will it be?" 

"I don't know..." Her eyes moved from mine and looked behind me, whilst trying to think reasonably. "A month?"

"I'm sorry that you feel like you have to do this." I practically growled. 

"I just need time to think about what I want to do and what I have to do."

What Daisy wants: Is to be happy with me, like we were on the holiday. She wants it to be as simple and calming as that week was.

What Daisy needs: Time to recover from her previous relationship (which I understood was terrible) and to think about whether I am the one to trust or not. 

"You have to promise me something, though." I said, bringing my head back up after thinking. 

"What is it?" Daisy innocently asked. I stepped closer, until I could hear her heartbeat racing through her chest, until I could feel her sweet breath bouncing off my raising skin. I wanted to place my hand on her face so badly, I wanted to stroke the pain away but I knew that wasn't possible.

"As soon as you find an answer, I don't care what it is, just tell me. Tell me as soon as you realise it's the best thing to do." I instructed carefully.

"Of course I will." She promised. "I had a really great time, Harry. I'm really grateful for everything you've done for me, including the holiday."

"I had a great time too." My eyes were on the edge of making the tracing tears fall but I kept them in. "We'll have even better ones in the future."

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