Chapter 30- Daisy

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Chapter 30- Daisy

"Harry, can you pass me the purple icing please?" I asked.

We were down Harry's road, in this really cute cake shop, decorating a cake for Hailey's birthday- which was the next day. I had never been in an actual bakery before, making a cake professionally, with all the special tools and adornments. It was so much fun and by the time of about 4 pm, me and Harry stood back and admired what we had made so far. Hailey was going to love it so much. Even though the cake was perfectly fine how we had created it, we decided that more is better, so we carried on jazzing it up with all the edible ornaments.

"Yep." The curly haired boy reached for the tube of icing for me. "There you go."

"Thanks." I was really enjoying making this cake for my best friend with Harry. He told me that he's decorated more than a couple of cakes in his lifetime so far, and from the way I judged his ideas on the cake for Hailey, I could tell he was telling the absolute truth.

"Argh." I couldn't do the icing. You need muscles for icing cakes. I, do not have those features. I really wish that I did because something as simple as icing a cake in front of boy shouldn't be a problem. For me, in that case, was.

"Want some help with that?" Harry's eyes lifted up from the little edible figurine of a girl in his hands, to my crumbled up face. I wanted to say "no, I'm fine" but I couldn't. I had to let the man do the job once again in my life. The simplest of things most girls can't do but men apparently can, annoys me. I like to stand proudly for the female population, I like to stand up for others and of course, myself. But as I have learnt, it's more thinking about others first rather than myself. That I am still learning, slowly to do.

"Yes, please." I stepped back, handing the plastic tube to Harry. "I just wanted it all the way around the bottom of the second tier, if that's alright."

"Mmm hmm." He nodded, before starting to pipe as I told him to.

The way he iced the cake looked so effortless and so easy. One hand piping, the other spinning the cake around. His attention to detail on every single little flick, before starting another round of icing was so captivating. It was incredible to me. I would of fucked the whole thing up if I carried on deciding to ice.

"Thanks." I smiled embarrasingly. I might as well just lie to Hailey that I did the icing on the second tier, she might just believe me. Actually, she wouldn't because it was too perfect for me to have done it. Defiantly.

"No problem." He grinned back to me, before going back to work on the icing character of Hailey he had made.

"Can I see?" I asked, whilst he was placing the miniture manikin on the other side of the cake.

"Yeah, sure."

"Woah..." I stared at the icing version of my friend. "How..." I glanced over at him, who was smiling at how impressed I was with his work. "What...Harry how did you do that!?"

"I dunno. I just looked at a photo of Hailey on my phone and made that." He shrugged his shoulders.

"It's amazing." I said, whilst smiling at the creation. He had made it so flawless. He included Hailey's smile, Hailey's structured cheekbones, Hailey's exact length, colour and texture of hair- everything. I don't even want to imagine what this cake would of looked like if I had made it by myself. Honestly, that one little icing feature he had made and with nothing else on the cake would make Hailey as astonished and pleased as I was.

"Thanks." He said, going back to working on some other crazy-good icing models he had made.

"Do you think I should make some sugar flowers? That's something I'm actually good at." I groanfully asked him.

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