Chapter 58- Daisy

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Chapter 58- Daisy

"Let me take it." He said, without using eye contact. Harry's large hand touched mine for a second- sending a spark through my knuckles- as he threw the suitcase, lightly, in the back of the car. "You've checked you haven't left anything, right?"

"I checked three times." I confirmed, as Harry shut the boot door. He turned to look at me, without replying with a nod or a smile. He just stared, examining my face and without a doubt, I knew he was thinking about me. Asking questions to himself, thinking through every little right and wrong.

Probably about how I broke him in to two. 

Awkwardly, I got in the front of the car, clicking in my seat belt as I watched Harry place a note he made for his friend, underneath the doormat, through the rear view mirror and locking the cabin up. I didn't want to say goodbye to Sennen Cove. I didn't want to say goodbye to any of the experience, it was too amazing to leave behind- even if I did have every detail noted down in my memories. I wanted to stay there forever, with Harry. But of course I knew I couldn't. 

We both have lives to live and half-term holidays last a week, not forever. That fact, I did have to unfortunately tell him and not myself, the day he asked me something I never expected him to. I should have, really. I should of thought about that moment. I like him, he likes me and the holiday has only improved and strengthened those feelings. The fact that I haven't thought once about him asking me out is just plain stupid. I never thought that our relationship would get so far. 

But of course the time would come, Daisy. Exactly. It wasn't until after he asked me that I realised that for myself. Friends don't hold each other like we do, friends don't casually hop in to one another's bed like we do, and lastly, friends don't kiss. Like we do. What was I expecting? Was I so caught up in falling for him, and not stopping myself or thinking about it, that I didn't? That's why I had to say no. To stop and think, take a break. 

"I'll be in when you get back. Can't wait to see you! I missed you so much x Hails." A soft, yet sad smile turned to my lips, as I froze, focused on watching the still screen. 

"Me too, just about to set off." I quickly replied, as Harry hopped in beside me.

I was slightly scared of looking at him, or if he caught me staring but I felt as if I had to anyway. Just to see the expression he was holding, I needed to know how he felt. His eyes were droopy and slightly red in colour, dark circles held bags underneath them and his hair wasn't styled at all. It looked as if he had just left his bed-head with him, not a care in the world. 

"Right, let's go." Harry softly breathed. 

Throughout the first half of the journey, I didn't turn to look at him once. All I did was stare out of the window, listening to a play-list of Oasis songs through my headphones. Watching the oceanic scenes brush pass, until we reached the boring, dull motorway ripped my heart open as I thought about all the good times I had had. Everything shall be missed. 

The relaxing, quiet hour of sitting in the window seat, watching the sun set. The humbling afternoons indoors, watching the TV whilst huddled in to a cosy blanket. The sound of the waves rushing in slowly, as if they were trying so hard to escape the winds and the surrounding islands.

But those are the most memorable images are they? What about the ones that you have on replay, every second of the day, in your head, Daisy?

The way I'd come down and smile at the way Harry smirked, leaning on the back of his car, waiting for me with his arms crossed in front of his chest. The way Harry made me trust him so much more. The way he taught me that I shouldn't care what people think of me. The way he'd roll my body over, making me face him- the way I like it- whenever I was sleeping next to him. The way he'd somehow find a way to make me blush, or connect my hand with his, or... even my lips.

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