Chapter 20- Daisy

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Chapter 20- Daisy

They stood there, in front of me, grins on both of their faces, looking like something amazing just happened. Yes, amazing it sounded but it wasn't supposed to be like that and I won't let that go until I get to the bottom of this.

So the day comes along, all planned and ready and oh, wait, guess what? A guy who has made my life hell suddenly appears wanting to say sorry in a very special way, after about 5 weeks of trouble caused for me. Great way to say sorry, doesn't it sound?

I may seem tough and strong on the outside (me swearing and being generally very offensive and rude) but on the inside I can get hurt and to some people that's very hard to imagine, most people, actually. They normally just think I'm not human and that I'm more robotic- just a bunch of difficult wires and no feelings attached.

What has been caused because of Harry has hurt me in so many ways. First of all, he was texting really annoying and disgusting texts about me, just when I thought he was being really nice and that we could be friends. That was just after I had firstly met him, as well. Second of all, he lets all his attention fade away and lighten up to me, and never did anything about it. He always knew something bad was happening for me but he never thought to care? Even a sorry for those two things would of made me feel better but the fact he's waited this long and never said a word, as if I had disappeared makes me so angry and so upset. He never cared that I was hurt by something he did. Not even a sorry or a push-away of the cameras? That's all I wanted back then, a little privacy like I used to have.

"Guys! That was so good! Way better than the others!" Hailey said, her white teeth glistening. Yes, of course it was way better than the others but it wasn't what was planned, it wasn't the way I wanted it to go. I didn't want to see him again, I don't want to see him ever again.

Harry smiled, staring at my friend, thanking her for her praise. He was generally impressed with himself, didn't give a shit about the way I looked at them both. I was evilly staring at both of them, my eyebrows arched, my eyes disappointed and dark, lips pulling back and forth. I didn't say anything. I wanted them to look at how I was acting.

"What?" Hailey asked. "What's wrong?"

"It fucked up, that's whats wrong." I didn't hesitate. I needed to let him know he can't come near me ever again.

"Daisy, no it didn't! It was perfect." Hailey came over and tried to pull me into a hug but I turned around and angrily started packing away my guitar. "Daisy. What is it? You know it was great."

"Harry, how many weeks has it been since I saw you last? At the cafe, with Hailey?" I asked out loud, shoving music sheets into my guitar case.

"Just over a month?" I turned around, with the case gripped so tightly in my right hand- my knuckles were white in colour.

"Were you aware that my life has been intruded and explored because of you?" I balanced the top of the case by one of the windows and then slowly walked back, in front of Hailey and him.

"Yes." He gulped. Was he scared of what I was about to say? Or was it just guilt?

"And this all started, 5 or so weeks back."

"Daisy, what is this?" Hailey interupted but I just ignored her and continued.

"I thought you were the nice one? The one with the manners? I didn't get a sorry for all this shit?"

"This was my sorry-"

"Ha. Sorry? Harry, my life has been ruined because of you, you do actually realise that, don't you?"

"Yes, and Daisy I'm really sorry." He seriously didn't understand. No boys do.

I've had a terrible past and a past of boys was awful. I've never been in luck with love. I don't think it excists to, be honest. I hate most guys anyway- they're pretty much all the same. Hopeless and only thinks about themselves- never us, the girls.

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