Chapter 17- Harry

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Chapter 17- Harry

"Hey mate." I whispered, coming quietly into Zayn's room. 

It was then 6:00 pm, I kept delaying visiting my bandmate. I wanted to see him straight away, to see if he was alright and everything but something inside me told me I shouldn't or it wouldn't be good for me. I have no idea what that was or why it happened, it just put me off until later to see Zayn?

He looked so gentle sleeping in that bed, the duvet up to his chin. Even though he did have hundreds of wires attached to parts of his body, he still looked so peaceful, so relaxed. Did I look like that when I was in my little "world"? Or did I look like I were about to end my life, crawling around and struggling? 

I sat down right next to him, so close I could feel his breaths through his oxygen mask. He too, had Get Well Soon cards besides him- just like me. I didn't ever think to actually read mine, I just stared at them all day when I finally woke up.

"Dear Zayn, 

Hope You Get Well Soon x

Love you Lots,

Mum and the girls xxx P.S Hope Perrie is awake for you soon, as well"

"Dear DJ Malik,

We miss you mate, hope you're doing well.

Fans send their love as well :)

From Nialler, Louis and Liam."

"Dear Zayn,

Miss you lad. Get well soon.

Love also sent from Clodaghanne,

From Paul. "

"There's a lot of people out there who care for you, mate." I said, reading the last card with a sigh.

"A lot of people."

"Well, the nurse said Perrie is doing well, I asked for you. I hope she's awake soon for you, mate."

I pulled the chair that I sat on, closer to his bed, right next to him. I took his hand and thought about things I've never thought of before. I never realised me and Zayn's connection was so deep. You'd always see me and Louis hanging out or me and Niall but Zayn would always disappear or be with Liam. Me and Zayn still are close, very close like the rest of the boys are with all of us but sometimes I feel bad for not knowing enough. The fact I've only put that into thought now kills me, knowing he's asleep and may not ever wake up.

I don't want to think about that though. That wont happen, Zayn's death wont happen. It wont happen until we're old and wrinkley, with our wifes sitting next to us watching Coronation Street all day. Zayn's not gonna die. He can't.

"I'm so sorry, Zayn." One tear dripped down my cheek. "This shouldn't of happened. It's not fair either, not knowing if you'll wake or not when I'm here next to you. It'" I had to stop to wipe my eyes and to take a deep breath. "So hard to see you like this, knowing something worse could be happening inside you right now. No-one wants that."

"I wish you'd wake up now or even hear me, something as little as that will make me feel better. This isn't fair on you."

What if he doesn't wake up? What if it really is the end of One Direction? What if this is the end of Zayn Malik? I know, I know, it wont happen- it wont. I'm certain and I do not want anything bad happening to him or anyone close to me again. I feel so bad though, I wake up and he's still there suffering. What if he thinks he's in heaven like I thought I was when I was asleep? What if he's in pain? What if something is going on and we can't tell? What would happen, then?

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