Before the Party

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Clarissa POV

           I woke up at 4 in the morning and i am feeling much better now because of Ellie she has healed me much so that i can do my work. I did my business, showered and set off to kitchen to do my work.

           At 6 sharp everyone came down to eat. I served them but i didn't found my mate which means he is not from this pack. I was just going to eat whatever was left when Alexa came in the kitchen and gave me her plate saying she is not hungry and I can have it. She is such a good friend she even helped me in doing the dishes and after that left to go to school where I can't go because they thought worthless whores like me don't deserve to study.

            I did my work quickly and got into my room. If you are thinking I am hiding than you are right because I don't want to find my mate now you will ask why I am so afraid then I will say because he'll reject me. You must be thinking how am I so sure than you will get your answers when I'll find him and everyone from the pack also told me that no one wants a mate like me. So I guess he'll reject me.

            Beta Daniel came to me in the afternoon after lunch and ordered me to do the decorations, food and cleaning for the party with the help of some helpers and he also told me that I will be given a dress to wear because other packs Alphas betas are also coming for the party. I have to return the dress without any damage done and lastly he added "stay away from my sister you slut" I nodded.

            Currently I am doing the dishes of dinner when Alexa comes in and asks "Any luck in finding Prince charming"

          "No, I don't think he is from this pack. What do you say?" She looks at me and replies "maybe" she looks kind of lost today.


           I woke up at 3 did my business and set off to kitchen to prepare stuff, mixing and other things for party's food. I made dough for cake and cookies. I started baking cookies while preparing the packs breakfast.

           I served the breakfast and I myself ate something then started cleaning guest rooms, gaming room, bar each and every room than washed the dishes and baked some more cookies.

        I started decorating the garden with helpers helping me. We used fairy and other lights to cover up the trees and small plants. Once the stage was built we started decorating it and some time later tables and chairs were also done. They were covered in red, blue and black table and chair clothes, vases on top of the table which will hold flowers later than finally tea lights.

         Then we went to the kitchen started preparing food, I baked the cake while helping others. Because of the helpers the work was done quickly. Only 1 hour was left so I made my way to my room.

         In my room pacing around was my friend Alexa looking stunning as always with her light makeup, she let her hair down and was wearing a blue long dress with slit at the side paired with white heels.

        "Clary are you not ready yet, go and shower, I have brought a dress for you and I am doing your makeup" she said a bit too fast

       "But what about the dress beta Daniel told me" I asked her confused

        "Don't worry about him I told him that I will give you my dress" she said to me and started taking out her makeup kit and I went to the bathroom, I shaved and showered.

         I came out with a towel around my body

        "Now sit here and let me do your hair and makeup" Alexa said making me seat in the only chair in my room.

        "But let it be natural ok" I told her and she nodded.

          30 minutes later she was done. "Now go and wear this with this heels" she said showing me the dress and heels.

        My mouth hang open seeing the dress I am sure I was looking like a gaping fish right now but I can't help it, the dress is beautiful.

          I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. She chuckled seeing me reaction "Thank me later now hurry up or else we will be late"

         I took the dress from her and started wearing it with black heels once I was done she drag me to her room to show me how I am looking because my room has no mirrors.

        "Time to look in the mirror, princess" she said and turned me around so that I was facing the mirror.

          Standing there and staring right back at me is a beautiful lady, the black dress fits perfectly (dress above in the pic), the makeup is also simple with some eyeliner and black eye shadows paired with some blush and red lipstick. My hair is done in an elegant bun.

         "Thank you Alexa I don't know what to say I am speechless" I squeal and she laughs

          "Come on we have to go and find your mate, maybe you will meet him today as there will be wolves from other packs also" she says happily. My face falls thinking about mate.

          'Don't worry Clar you will be alright and I bet he will be shocked to have a beautiful mate like us' Ellie says boosting my confidence.

         'Do wolves bet' I ask her

        'How did I forgot you are Clar, off all the things you noticed that word' she says in a dramatic way.

         I cut my mind link from her and put on a fake smile and I wish what Ellie is saying could be true.

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen
My Dear Readers,
I know my fashion sucks but I don't know anything about all of this because I never do makeup and I don't wear dresses. So I am sorry if you find this bad and please point out if there are any mistakes.
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Love you And Thank you,
                                                    From EQ

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