Meeting the Moon Goddess

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This chapter is dedicated to HawauAbdulSalam for making the second comment on my story and for voting too.


Clarissa POV

I think I am just going to pass out with shock. Oh My Goodness! She is the moon goddess. No one has ever met her in person and if they have met her than that would have being when they were dead. I think so because no one has ever found alive to say that they have met the Moon Goddess.

I don't know what to say? What to do? How do you address Moon Goddess? I don't want to do something that will make her upset.

The main question is how am I able to see again? I was just thinking what was happening until I heard her laughing softly

"I gave you your sight back to let you see me. And dear you don't have to be formal with me. I know that I'm a moon goddess that doesn't mean that you have to be afraid of me. You can talk to me like I am your long lost best friend." She said in her angelic voice, a smile permanent on her lips which was making her eyes shine.

I thought of it and tried to say something as my voice was not there too "I am sorry, I just didn't wanted to sound rude and disrespectful. It's a pleasure for an omega like me to meet you" I said while gently bowing and surprised that I got my voice back too

"My child, don't be like this. You were not born just to remain an omega. I know what happened to your parents was not your fault, you are not their murderer" she said giving me a sad smile and continued

"You are born to do great things. Your fate has more than you think. You are born to become a great warrior who'll be feared by all. You are born to protect the werewolves, you are born so that you can stop the army of rogues which in future is going to harm every pack's werewolves and they'll not stop there, they will become more and more powerful with each victory and they'll try to harm the humans too, they will try to take control all over the earth" she said and stopped to see my reaction, which you can guess too. If you're guessing I am shocked or surprised than you're right but my mouth was hanging so lowly I am sure it would have reached the floor

"And lastly, you'll find the man of your dreams, who will protect you and take care of you, who will be always by your side, to support you and he'll love you so much that you won't be able to live without him for a second and he would have same feelings towards you too." When she said love, my mouth shut closed and formed into a thin line due to the amount of anger I was feeling.

"There's no thing as love, I totally disagree with you about my love life" I said and see her looking at me with a sad face. I tried to calm down myself from my unexpected outburst

"I am sorry i didn't meant it like that. And No, I think you've mistaken moon goddess. I can't be a _ _ great warrior. I mean look at me" I said while moving my hands towards myself

"I can't even defend myself than how will I be able to defend others" I said with a frown on my face, she is not getting it.

Doesn't she know that I am here hanging between my life and death just because I was not able to protect myself and fight for my rights, my mate. I don't have any training experience. I can't even kill a mosquito, how will I kill a werewolve and that to an army.

Reading my thoughts she answered my questions "you are not weak, you are strong. Have you ever wondered they used to beat you very badly so that you would be severely injured but still you survived. I know that your injuries didn't healed instantly like others because you were not given enough food which resulted into your health detoriation but still you made out of it, alive" she said trying to reason me. Is she meaning to say that I shouldn't have survived and should have been dead a long ago

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