Lesson No., ...

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Clarissa POV

Another week passed in a blur. And the day for my judgement was coming near. Only another half week was left for it, my nerves were everywhere. Everyone assured me that they know I am innocent and would get maximum pack members in my favour, they even told me that they heard some pack members mumbling among themselves that I don't seem like a threat to them, well that's something you need to tell to an over thinking person for relief.

But still there is this fear in me which I hate to admit but it is not letting me rest, I fear that something might happen and I won't get a chance to become a part of this beautiful family I could finally call home, I don't, actually I can't think my life without my guardians, if they weren't here than I don't know what would I have done to myself. I am happy that Moon Goddess chose such an incredible pack to take care of me.

But this will be that day when finally the fear of losing them will be over, they day from which I don't have to be afraid anymore. The day from which I'll finally become a part of this family and pack, and this is the day from when I can finally train, anytime, anywhere and with anybody though I love Mariya, but she is a little strict.

"Arissa" let's say not little but a lot more than little.

"Arissa" Mariya growled from behind me, one thing I've learned is that she doesn't tolerates tardiness.

I almost jumped from my spot but stopped my racing heart and with great courage I turned in her direction to see her fuming red.

'Danger, Danger, Danger' Ellie chuckled like she just made a joke.

But I don't have time fore her stupid things "Hi" I squeaked as I waved my hand awkwardly, I am sure my face would be portraying a very scared expression like I have just seen a ghost in real life.

She just growled more loudly this time as a respond.

"Arissa, how many times will I have to tell you the same thing again and again? Quit day dreaming while you're training. I want your full concentration, here"

"Sorry" I whispered guilty, my head down with shame.

"Come on! What are you doing standing here, get a move on girl, you won't know anything unless you don't do it. There are still 50 laps remaining" she barked in her strict and uptight voice, making me flinch.

"Come on, quick" giving me a little push in the direction where I have to continue, I bolted forward and continued with my laps.

This has been going for one and a half week. Its not like I'm regretting saying 'I am ready' but at least she could go a little easy on me. But I think I was expecting the wrong conduct from the wrong person. Now, I could finally fulfill my parents wish. Our training is not that hard because I'm a rookie, but she orders me to run 100 laps which isn't nothing to her as the lap is going round from my cottage to the area of the woods but I tell you, it actives your sweat glands really well, 50 push-ups and if she is satisfied then we do defence or basic fight but it is really difficult for me. By the end of training, I would get sprains on my ankles or would accidentally dislocate my arm or even break my nose, urgh don't ask me about that.

I even tasted dirt, actually what happened was me and Mariya were doing some basic moves to defend myself but I got it all messed up and Mariya accidentally punched my face, straight right at my face making me tremble on my feet and it eventually leaded me to falling as I became unconscious of that punch.

Mariya's punch could even break a stone, I've to say. My face was pretty badly bruised up, leaving a purple mark on my left eye and a split lip with an equally injured nose. But as Ellie was there to help me, she energized all her energy and healed me within a couple of hours and that people is an achievement.

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