Ending Note

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Dedicated to all my lovely readers❤

Hey guys,

I am back and I uploaded the last chapter of this book, finally!

It's been such a long journey! I know many of the initial readers must have left it half-way but I also know many of you have been with me from the start and I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

I, also want to thank the people who took up the book when I had already updated a good amount of chapters and now, you guys message me that you like my book so much and that you find it the best in werewolf. I feel truly honoured and happy.

Honestly, I did think of leaving this book at the start of this year but then you guys kept sending me sweet messages and kept encouraging me that made me continue. I love this book a lot and I'm happy to share my stories with others. I wrote it for myself to read and never expected to gain so many loyal readers but I'm not complaining! I'm happy to have you'll in my life. We may have never met, we may not know each other personally but I think the moment you picked up this book or added it to your library, from that moment on we became friends and a big family.

I love you guys so much and I'm not lying or faking it because I'm really moved to tears. I know there's still a sequel but still, it feels like a big achievement.

As for the last chapter...I know many of you must be heart-broken, sad, angry and also confused but don't worry everything will be resolved in the sequel. Don't ask me about the sequel because honestly, even I don't know when I will be able to write it. I planned to start writing by September and then start uploading it but now, I got an internship and it's such a headache. It's in my college and if working overtime is not enough at office, they ask us to work from home and even asked me to make calls on Sunday *facepalm* Also, this UGC is hella bend on taking our exams by the end of September *double facepalm*

But don't worry guys, I'm working on my routine so I'll start writing soon. I'll keep you guys posted.

So, I didn't ask this on the last chapter but tell me what was it like? What were your emotions while reading it especially, the last part? I am sure nobody of you guessed that it would end like this, right? That's why I said you need to connect the dots. If you're still confused about the werewolf council part then go to the first meeting of our lovely Theo and hers. I know it isn't much info but you'll know about it more in the sequel.

So, what do you think will happen in the sequel?

I am sure you now have a pretty good idea of what's happening and what will happen in the sequel but I'm trying to make it more mysterious and thriller based. I've been working on it for a couple of weeks and I'm still working on the story of the sequel. I know many of you don't want new characters but those are essentials. I also know that you all just want revenge and their love ending but I guess a story can be much more so, if you'll allow me, I'll try not to disappoint you and give you a remarkable experience. I only ask you to be patient and supportive like you have with this book.

Thank you!

I love you all very very veryyyyyyy much!!! ❤

From EQ

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