Tears of Joy and Tears of Pain

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Surprise! Surprise! I know you must be shocked after reading your notification saying ElsaQuinn update 'Tears of Joy and Tears of Pain' in A Never Noticed Mate. ;) 

Please go enjoy!


Clarissa POV

     I smiled warmly at Kaikane who was surfing and waved at him. I was sitting on the shore, inhaling the scent and finally smiling while looking at the crystal clear water.

     It was all because of him. Ever since that day, Mr. Sylvester or should I say Vlad, his standoff name for here, would always accompany me to the ocean and drag me afterwards to swim.

     I remember the second time when he took me to the ocean, when the siblings were not with us. He was more open in teaching and over the course of time, I have learned a few basic rules and tricks to swim but those haunting memories still linger. The memories suddenly starts flooding my mind and disrupts my course of action. I remember that whenever I tried to swim on my own, I would always get nearly drowned because I would feel myself either choking or being dragged down by my past life but Mr. Sylvester would always save me. He was always there for me and I remember that one time when we were swimming I suddenly started hallucinating in the middle, he suddenly captured me in by his body, with his hands wrapped tightly around my body and his legs caging me in while his eyes...staring so deeply and intensely that my heart skipped a beat.

     I tried to push him away because his closeness was wearing me tired and also giving me lustful thoughts which I don't want to have but he maintained his tight grip.

     "Master, let me go" I said, trying to get his hands away but he ignored me by placing his one hand on my cheek which automatically made me look at him.

     "Whenever your dark past scares you and doesn't lets you breathe then remember of this moment. The moment when I am holding you tightly and embracing you securely, the moment which will give you strength and also the memory that will overwrite your other painful moments. Always remember this moment when someone was making you feel safe and was making you feel like you're alive and breathing" his voice sounded so dull yet his words meant so lively, his purple eyes stared into my silver ones while the impact was the obvious redness on my cheeks but something in me was stopping me, stopping me from committing the mistake of trusting him again.

     After a moment, he entangled himself from me and dived into the water while I stared after him perplexed. Sure, his words weren't the sweetest or his feeling wasn't true but he tried. He said those emotional things just for me, just to encourage me even though he hates such sweet words and soft tone but to get me out of my dilemma, he did that.

     Maybe, I judged him way too early. Maybe, he isn't that bad after all. Maybe..., I was wrong.

     I snapped out of my reverie when Kaikane suddenly ran towards me and started shaking his body. I growled lowly as I screamed at him "Stop! You're getting me all wet!" he chuckled and came to sit down beside me ignoring my glare.

     "Sup!" he asked as he adjusted himself beside me but in the end yawned and put his head on my lap.

     I pushed him off but he just hit me lightly and then again forcefully went on to lay down on my lap. I gave up, knowing he would keep doing it.

     Strange, I was letting a human dominate me and hit me especially after that horrible experience with a human in Sans Francisco but I know they are different.

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