Finding him

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Sorry for the trouble that I caused two days ago, I was saving the chapter after making a draft but instead of hitting on save I mistakenly hit on publish.

Important note below this chapter those who don't read every time please do now and enjoy, a long chapter is awaiting you.

Clarissa POV

Tip toeing out of the room, I looked right and left like a thief to make sure the wealthy or in my opinion savage owner was not home, when I was sure the coast was clear I dashed towards the laundry room quietly and softly but quickly closed the door and leaned towards it heaving a breath of relief.

'Now that wasn't that hard?'

'We'll see that when you'll accomplish the thing that your have set out for' Ellie mocked and I fought back the urge to strangle my own wolf.

Slipping away from his black shirt I held it in my hand with disgust and quickly threw it away, wearing my clothes, I sighed in content. When I was done I again began tip toeing out of the room and went to the living room praying that he was not here and first time in my life I was more then relived to find out that my prayers were answered as I smelled the house and found out he was not home.

My hopes grew but I quickly diminished it and searched the room for the things I set out my foot from the given room. Shuffling through the drawers and various cabinets, I searched for a paper or a notepad or anything. And I did found it on the desk along with a pen. Grabbing a nearby chair, I rapidly took the pen and paper in my hand and started noting down the way I remembered but it seems my memory is not so good.

I don't know how long I sat there but I was beginning to get frustrated as my mind couldn't form the way where I came from and the place I have to go to. Groaning, I threw away the pen harshly and glared at the paper trying to burn it with my fiery gaze. But that didn't happened, yanking my hair in frustration I kept cursing myself - stupid, idiot, dumb, how can you not remember such a small thing.

I was so busy with my misery that I didn't noticed the pair of boots clicking on the floor, until...

"chto ty do sikh por?" I heard someone say but I didn't understand the language frowning slightly I moved my head towards the direction of the sound and inhaled a sharp breath.

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