Cookie Bookie

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Clarissa POV

     I slammed open the door not wanting him to rile me up even more. But as I did, I was met with staircase covered in darkness, my face dropped down suddenly in a grim expression as I noticed there wasn't anything of my interest and turned around to him with a questioning look but he chose to ignore it and without explaining me anything, started walking down the staircase. I really am irritated now, what it is with him? First he has a secret chamber and then in that he has another secret staircase leading somewhere I don't know.

      "Will you tell me what's down there?" I asked loudly but as I didn't heard his voice, my eyes narrowed as I searched for his dark figure but suddenly fear started running deep in my veins when I couldn't find him, looking back at the door from where we came, I wanted to run towards it and get out but it will give me nothing. No, I've to overcome my fears, groaning in frustration I looked at the dark staircase and then without thinking any further started walking after him, my legs shaking with each step I was taking down as there was no light, I don't know how much I walked but a light off hope started flashing and I ran smoothly towards it when the stairs ended. 

       I don't know what I was hoping for? But when I saw Mr. Sylvester standing in front of another door my wide smile died down into a thin line. I didn't looked at him but stared straight at the door, the beauty of the door was anything that I ever saw. My mouth slightly opened as I saw the wood carvings on it creating various floral designs and it was plated in gold, there was something written on it too. But unfortunately I couldn't read it, without thinking twice and enchanted by the door my hands found the handle, my hands trembled due to the cold surface but taking a deep breath I opened it.

        As soon as the door opened, I stood in the doorway gaping like a fish, my mouth kept opening and closing, words struck in my throat as I looked around the room in shock, amazement and disbelief.     

       "Oh my god, oh my god! Are you really...I mean are you..." but I couldn't even complete the sentence nor did I looked at him as my eyes were still glued glancing and exploring the room as much as I can from where I stood. I brought my hands to my mouth as I looked with awe, my eyes widened while my mouth couldn't find words to thank him or even ask him a simple question whether this was real or my imagination?

        I squealed in bliss as my eyes kept flickering around the room and the things which I always longed for, which always disturbed me and made me feel inferior the most for lacking in it. "Yes, now stop acting like a teenager and stop giving such loud reactions or else I'll have to think about my decision again." he stated coldly but I didn't let his cold and blank emotions disturb my peace and happiness as I ignored him completely.

         He walked past me and into the room but I stood rooted to my spot still not able to believe that it was really happening, my secret dream and what I thought I'll never achieve because a long time has passed. But no! The thing which I wished for and prayed for is just being served to me no matter not in a friendly gesture but still the server is none other than Mr. Purple guy and for this I'll be forever grateful to him. Tears welled up in my eyes, puffed and ready to cascade down my flushed cheeks but stifling a sob, I looked at him.

         Standing with his back faced to me, stiff and glaring at the room around with so much dominance and anger that I couldn't imagine but still I was not bothered by his anger at this moment, I was so happy to care that I hate him, I still couldn't grasp the fact that Mr. Purple guy would ever do this for me. He of all the people understood my desire and need.

        "Thank you" I said softly with glassy eyes and for the first time I felt an emotion besides anger and hatred for him and that is pleasing. He turned around and I was surprised that he heard me as I could see slight confusion on his face not that he was showing it but because I could see it. I smiled at him genuinely grateful for the first time for considering my need and I don't know what I was thinking when I skipped over to him and in the heat of the moment or due to the adrenaline rush, I took his hands in mine gently which startled him, not that he showed it again.

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