Mystery of Truth and Lies.

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Oh god, finally I'm updating! Thank you god for giving me the strength to update it!


Recap: Clarissa came to Mr. Ajax Sylvester for training with a request letter from Alpha Carlton and after some tests he starts taking her seriously. They have been to many places like a desert, forest, mountains, cold places, cities (for tech study) and lastly underground fights. There Clarissa takes on King and he dies when she is overtaken by unknown power and he somehow later revives but she loses consciousness as unexplainable injuries starts forming on her body. She later dreams of King again where she rips his heart out and there Tyler appears, where he taunts and accuses her of being a monster. She later has a fight with Mr. Sylvester where she puts a stake on his heart and instead of fighting her, he grabs her hold of the stake pointed at his heart and tells her to kill him but she doesn't. She asks him what happened in the ring with King and what was the source of the unknown power? He doesn't gives her a clear answer except advising her to find it on her own as that will be best. They are currently in Hawaii for Clarissa's next training that is by the ocean. When she first sees it she starts hallucinating and that is when Mr. Sylvester walks in and demands the truth about her fear. She tells him everything  after being threatened by him but in the end he engulfs her in a hug and stops her from  saying everything.


Clarissa POV

     "Move your hands faster"

     "Faster!" following his order, I increased my speed but when he was about to use the knife, I immediately switched to black flips, flipping his knife from his hand which went flying as I continued my back flips. When I was at a distance, I didn't let the shock fade as I instantly charged towards him and as he stood in the stance to fight me, I used the move I was hiding and went in a crouching position and swing my right leg to kick him but seems like he predicted it and before I could win and end this, he used his fast speed to move around.

     I groaned, and before I could get up he startled me when he grabbed my arm to hurt me but I abruptly locked his hand with my other hand and used the support to climb on the back of his shoulder. Before, I could punch him on the face, he dragged me down by my waist but the moment his hand touched my body, I froze up. I flinched as I remembered the time when he gently held me.

     I snapped out of the trance when he harshly threw me on the sand and moved his leg to kick me but I dodged it.

     "Faster!" he said once again but this time more frustrated and annoyed than before as he again closed in with close combat as soon as I got up. We got into another series of hits and tricks as I dodged and attacked whenever I could but the chance was getting thinner and thinner as seconds ticked by because he would eventually block my every move before I could land an attack.

     Pissed off, he growled angrily "Enough!" and pushed me back roughly, I looked down on instinct afraid of his anger and ashamed of my incompetence.

     I bit my lip hard when he smacked me on the back of my head roughly which hurt a lot "Bloody imbecile!" he swore through gritted teeth but I didn't say anything because I could sense the hostility and the dark aura engulfing him and it was scaring me.

     He moved his hand back to punch me but stopped halfway and glared at me angrily "You can't even land a punch! There are way too many openings in your fighting form!" he yelled fiercely as I instantly closed my eyes shut.

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