Hera The Protector

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For the people who would be confused, the following story about his mother is in Italic font and is in third person's POV. It's in a story format. I hope you like it. It's my first time writing something like in another POV so tell me if you liked it or not :)


Clarissa's POV

"It is the story about my mother. Princess Anastasia."

The words engraved exquisitely on the piano read, 'Anastasia.

I was speechless and perplexed. He was willingly talking about his mother!

I grabbed his other hand and interlaced my fingers with his while he gazed at her name with adoration and sorrow. His purples eyes looked at me and I smiled lightly to make it easier for him. He gazed at her name with adoration and sorrow before beginning with the story.

Long ago, in the werewolf world, there lived a benevolent and generous king- the Royal Alpha. His beautiful and exemplary talented wife, the queen and the Royal Luna had given birth to three children- two sons and a daughter.

Princess Anastasia was the third and youngest child of the Alpha king. She was a noble lady not just by birth but also by virtue. Known far and wide for her grace, kindness, beauty and strength.

As a part of the royal family, she upheld all her duties sincerely and invested all her time to the kingdom's welfare. She was gracious towards everyone, no matter the social hierarchy and that earned her the love and respect of everyone.

Though, the youngest, she would still babysit her two elder brothers who always bickered back and forth of whom she loved the most. She was a priceless and precious jewel of the two princes and a treasured princess of the werewolf race.

Her beauty was such that if someone was to look at her- man or woman, would succumb to their knees and give her their all. Her strength was such that she could easily take down the elite warriors of the kingdom without any effort. The entire werewolf community wondered who will be the fortunate one to be a mate of such a bright lady.

Many wolves from different packs would come to attend the royal banquet just to get a glimpse of her. Even the strongest and frightening Alpha would hesitate to speak straight in front of her natural beauty. Situation were such that everyone wanted to be her mate but only, none of them were.

This concerned not only the Royal family but also the kingdom. Soon, gossips littered the packs. Some wondered if she was mateless. Some wondered if she was cursed. Some wondered if her mate died. Some wondered if she was a reincarnation of goddess. Different people had different assumptions but she wasn't bothered.

However, the royal family was abuzz and they took her to every pack themselves and introduced her to everyone, no matter the status, in the hopes that someone would be her soul mate but no one was.

Disappointed and worried, they wondered what the goddess had planned for their precious daughter. The Queen was in tears and the King had ordered his warriors to search for every single person whom they could've mistakenly not met.

Time went by and the warriors that returned all had negative or unpleasant reports. The king and queen were deeply concerned for the future of their beloved daughter while she didn't give it much thought. She completed her duties as per routine. She trained as usual. She smiled and laughed like always because she believed in moon goddess. She believed the goddess must have planned a great man for her if she were making her wait for this long but only the heavens knew the truth.

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