Engagement Ring

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Clarissa POV

Clarissa and Mr. Sylvester come back from their journey around the world when two vampire couples, who introduce themselves as his brother and sister-in-law starts staying with them. Because of them they start living together in Mr. Sylvester's bedroom. They sleep in the same bed because he makes them believe that they have already had sex. He makes her wear his shirt so as to conceal her unmated smell. The vampire couple don't seem to have good intentions and the last question of Livia pulls Clarissa's attention to her.     


"Where is your engagement ring?" Livia was the one who was nosy this time but it was the question that I was not prepared for as I looked at my ring finger with hesitation.

     I don't have words in my mouth to answer her question. Any irresponsible answer would possibly expose our fake relationship and any movement of stalling their attention from the ring would only deepen their doubt on us.

     I maintained my cool from the outside but I was really lost as what to answer them as I rattled my brains to work. I asked Mr. Sylvester to say something but he didn't even move his irises from his god damn book.

     How dare he ignore me like this?!

     "Well?" Livia urged as a faint smirk played on her lips while Ethan didn't hide his delight and kept glaring at me.

     I...what should I say? Should I tell them that I lost it? No, that would make me a careless fiancée who doesn't cares for her fiancé's feelings. Then, should I tell them that I have it but don't wear it and it's currently in Mr. Sylvester's room. But what if they ask me to show it to them. No! I can't take that risk. If one wants to tell a lie, they should go for the nearest one. But what is the nearest lie?!

     Oh my god, I'm freaking out!

     "She doesn't have one" that cold and dark voice of Mr. Sylvester's as he finally spoke up silenced all of us, even me. It shocked me to hear him say that.

     What the hell is he going on about? An engagement without a ring? Ever heard of that?

     "Oh, really?" Livia asked cheerfully as she glanced from him to me and then looked at my ring finger.

     "Yes. Any problem?" Mr. Sylvester continued like it wasn't a big deal without removing his eyes from the book.

     "None" came her contented reply as she sipped her blood with her eyes closed and her smile enhancing her malicious features.

     What is he saying? He must have a plan behind this but what? I quietly observed the expressions of Ethan and Livia but they were calm about it.

     "So, when do you plan to get that ring?" Ethan chirped breaking through the tense silence that had enveloped me.

     Not only his question surprised me but also their quite behavior was a shocker because how can they be so chilled about it? Did they see this coming or are they really cool about Mr. Sylvester declaring me as his fiancée without any ring? Which one is it?!

     The fact that they are so calm about it puts me in a whirlwind of different perceptions they might be having of this situations. But their blank faces aren't helping me a bit!

     I glanced at Mr. Sylvester as he finally finished what he was reading and put it down before looking at me. I questioned him through my eyes and I couldn't tell what he was plotting this time but by the sinister look on his face, it wasn't anything pleasant.

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