A Gift and A Scar

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That was the last time I saw him before he flew to another continent the next morning. I got to know about it through the note he left and promised that he would return soon with the answer.

Although I know we are not mates or beloveds but still, I'm ready to risk everything if it means I will get to spend a moment longer with him. I know his beloved will appear some day and when that day comes, I won't hold him back, I won't cry, instead I'll be happy and shove him to her because I want him to experience the love of a beloved, the one who is only made for him. But until that person comes in his life, I want to be selfish and keep him by my side.

It has been a month now and every day is passing slower than usual.

His absence affected me more than I thought it would.

I have started talking to him in my heart, imagining as if he were right here beside me, staring at me with a soft gaze while I tell him everything I did in the day before admitting how much I miss him.

The house didn't feel warm anymore without his presence. The library which used to be my hiding spot does nothing to take my mind off him, instead it reminds me of him all the more with all the time we spent there.

To avoid the gloominess of the house, I would go into his bedroom and look at the window where he would always stand with his back faced to me. Every time I went in, a little hope would ignite in me with a wish to see his broad shoulders and stiff posture but my eyes would fall upon the empty spot with disappointment.

When it would become unbearable, I would search for anything that would serve as his presence and as of lately I have started sleeping in his bed. Whenever I lay down it feels as if he is right beside me staring at me with his enigmatic purple eyes and sucking me into his world with a tight hold on me while I hide in him.

It's been like this. I never felt so lonely in my life. Is this how it feels to part from the one you love? Is this what they call longing?

And before I knew it this time too passed.

I felt something fluttering against my face. It wasn't irritating instead it felt gentle and caressing. I couldn't help but smile at the soft texture on my face but then something slightly wet touched my cheeks. Drowsily, I moved my hand to touch the spot but then I heard a voice whispering right in my ear "I didn't know you were a pervert." It was intoxicating.

I could hear the playfulness and I thought I was dreaming again but then my eyes popped open and I sat up immediately. My eyes scanned the room for someone particular but sadly he was not here.

Hitting myself on the head, I sighed. I was dreaming again. I fell back on the bed as I wondered how many times has it been since I have been doing this?

I always believe that he is somewhere close but he isn't. I always take dreams for reality and get dejected in the end. However, my thoughts abruptly jolted to a brake when my eyes stopped on the box placed on the study table. I sat up at once.

Was it always there?



My eyes widened as I immediately got up and rushed towards it.

My heart was beating so fast that even my hands were shaking as I carefully picked it up.

There was a paper on top of the box which seemed like a note. My heart raced anxiously as I looked around the room once again. My nervous and hopeful gaze searching around for him and when I do focus there is indeed a light trail of his presence.

Gripping the box tightly in my hand, I ran out the door and into the living room but he was not there. Next, I ran to the kitchen then the guest rooms, laundry room, library, the den and everywhere he could be but not a sight of him caught my eyes.

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