Promise (Part 1)

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Clarissa POV

      I woke up with an irritating voice going off somewhere near me, which irritated me the most. I hate it when I'm disturbed while having a good slumber. I moved my hands to shut that annoying voice but it didn't stopped, I tried again, but no success at all, then again, but nothing and then again, but then too the voice didn't stopped, instead it kept getting higher and higher the more I tried to stop it, it was teasing me. Extremely irritated and agitated at the voice, I opened my eyes to glare at the source of voice but to my unfortunate fate, I was only faced by my friend, darkness.

       Ah! Not again. Please don't let it be another nightmare, no this won't be happening, it would be just because of my sleepy state that I can't see anything. Yeah, that would be it. After consoling myself, I did the only thing, I could do now to come out my sleepiness. I rubbed the back of my hand over my eyes to rub the sleep away and opened my eyes. And you know what I saw. I only saw darkness, I was just going to cry, irritated, when I heard the faint whispering of someone. Could it be Alexa or worst Tyler. My heart started pounding in my chest wildly at the mere of thought of them being here. I shut my eyes tightly, not wanting to see them. The irritating sound from earlier raised its octave to a newer level, sounding as fast and rapid as my heartbeat, but I was so scared to realize that, the faint voices were also raised by a few notches and were replaced by screams rather than whispering. Oh, God, they are near, what should I do to hide myself. 

     I opened my eyes again but saw nothing but darkness and heard the mixed voices of screaming but I couldn't see anything. Have I gone blind, last time I remember, I could see everything well, did something happened which in any way affected my eyes. I recalled all the past memories and when I did, I wished, I didn't, my heart shattered in million pieces, my eyes stung as the water oozed to come out, but surprisingly it didn't. I remember all that happened to me, my mate just marked Alexa as his and once a wolf marked and mated with another wolf, the mate bond between the real mates dies. The one rejected suffers the most, a long undeniable pain awaits them and if they can't handle the pain or being jested by the other wolves, they slowly and eventually but surely dies and that too a painful death. I have become a laughingstock on which other people could only laugh. 

     What am I going to do now? No, one would accept a rejected wolf. Sighing, my lips felt cracked, my throat itched for water and my eyes felt puffy with crying but actually their was not a single drop or a trace of tear. I slammed  my eyes tightly to force drop a tear but then too, not a single tear graced my cheeks. Confused, I moved my hands to rub my eyes and see whats wrong but I thought my hand move but didn't felt the sensation of it on my eyes. I moved again, thinking I didn't moved it the first time, but surprisingly it didn't moved one inch. Now, I was really baffled but as I tried to move my other hand I felt  like I heard someone. 

     Is the person really here, or am I just imagining things. I knew from the beginning someone was here and thought of it of some creepy nightmare but I am now damn sure that it is not related to Tyler or Alexa, if they were really here, they would've expressed their presence a long time ago. Concentrating all my attention on making out the words, my ears perked up and letting all my other worries slip for a moment, I simply focused on hearing the voices.

       And I did hear them, they were muffled, and I couldn't make out a single word but as I further heard their voices, a relief filled sigh escaped past my lips as I learned that I was not in the clutches of Tyler and Alexa. I was safe. But for how long, these people, are they really not going to harm me?

    "Will she be okay?" the voice whoever it belonged to sounded familiar but extremely worried and timid, and it was from somewhere very near.

    "Yeah she will be okay physically as long as his mate doesn't have sex with other females. Whenever he will make out with another women she will be the one who will suffer the pain. But not as strong and painful as the first time but don't expect anything less" An unfamiliar gruff and rigid voice replied with straight to the point answer. But later on better thought,he added "I can't say anything about her mental stability, because when one wolf goes under the burden of rejection and to top of that coming under the knowledge that their mate has marked and mated with someone else, they can't accept the refusal too well and started to imagine that everyone sees them with pity and is mocking them so ultimately when they get to frustrated to handle it, they commit suicide."

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