Not So Laughable Joke

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This chapter is dedicated to all my dear readers who are so kind to share their personal derail with me and eveyone.

Clarissa POV

I set down the empty glass of water and started preparing dinner. After talking with Xavier this afternoon, When he left, I really started to think over my words and the promise I made to him and after thinking for hours, I have come to this decision that I will really let my past go, even if it doesn't wants me to, I will fight to it and be the happy and free girl that I always dreamed to be.

Halfway through the dinner, I heard the bell go off. This time, I did felt a little scared like always but the difference now was that I put that aside and walked to the door with confidence in my steps and that too without a pan, I am ready to face whoever it is. If I really want to be brave, I have to stop flinching at every voice and action.

Walking towards the door, I heard the bell ringing several times, whoever it is, is really impatient and really annoying. "Coming" grumbling I quickened my pace and quickly opened the door only to be engulfed in a hug, stumbling a little bit, I stood shocked. I didn't got the chance to see who it was as I was really surprised but as I smelled the sweet perfume of Luna, I immediately relaxed and hugged her back.

"Surprise" three voices shouted at the same time making me squeal like a little girl. And the next thing I know, I was in between two muscled chests, Xavier and Alpha Carlton.

When they released me and stood besides their mates that is when I saw everyone standing on my doorstep with goofy grins on their faces. Mariya and Luna June had smiles too big that was enough to light up the whole town.

"Welcome everyone, please come in" they all got in and Mariya gave me a tight smile when she walked past me before getting with the crowd. Closing the door, I joined them on the couch.

"So, why are you all grinning like crazy people" and they all bursted in laughter. What? Hmm, something is fishy. I don't think I said something so laughable and looking at this people laughing like fools, it looks like they have heard a very good joke. Crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes, I inspected them closely. Even Alpha Carlton was laughing which was a mystery in itself because he rarely smiles. Something is really off here.

"Okay, enough people, now tell me is there something on my face that is making you laugh so hard" and....their laughter continued. Sigh, they don't look grown up adults but toddlers who laugh at anything and everything. Huffing, I crossed my arms again and waited for them to finish.

After a whole minute of waiting, they finally stopped, some wiping their tears off or some holding their stomach in pain. It took them another minute to be normally breathing again.

"So,...." I trailed off, not wanting to erupt another cheers of laughter, not that I don't like it but still, I should know the reason too.

"Well, we are very happy" Luna said cheerfully.

"I can see that" I grumbled and they.......well you better not ask me.......they started laughing again. Now, I was really pissed. Here we go again. I sat there for sometime but as I looked at them they looked like they just inhaled laughing gas, which would be really weird.

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