Stolen bolt

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I wake up like I always do. Then I get changed and I do my hair.  After I am ready I walk down the hall to the courtyard. My eyes land on two of my sisters, Hera and Demeter. I walk over to them.

"Aurora, good morning." Hera greets.

I smile, "Good morning sisters."

We talk for a little. They start to talk about the ground world and I frown. My family doesn't allow me to leave Olympus. The last time I left it was for a short quest.

Demeter looks sadly at me, "What's wrong?"

I sigh, "Sisters I know it is for my protection I stay here, but I want to meet people. I want to see the ground world. I love you all, but I want to make friends."

Hera let's out a breath and takes my hands, "My sweet little sister, we know you want to go out. We know you are strong. Ares and your other nephews have taught you to take care of yourself, but we don't want you to get hurt."

"Hera I can handle myself." I press.

Demeter say, "Aurora, we know that but if the wrong people get their hands on you... bad things could happen."

I nod sadly and let go of Hera's hands. Then I look down and remain silent.

Hera lifts my chin up, "My dear you are not like the demi-gods, you are a demi-titan. You are the only of your kind. You are a beautiful and powerful girl. Someday you will get to go down there again just wait a little. 16 years ago you were still a baby."

I scoff, "I was a baby for centuries."

She giggles, "You have much to learn."

"Ladies, Zeus has called a meeting." Apollo says.

We look to him and nod. My sisters walk to the great hall. I remain where I am with Apollo.

"Aurora I think you should come with us." he says.

I take his hand and we walk into the great hall. The seats are put in the shape of a U with Zeus in the middle. The goddesses sit to the left of Zeus while the gods are to the right. I walk over to my sister, Hestia and sit with her.

Each of my family has a throne 30ft high. The thrones are made of symbols that represent each of them. My throne is 7 ft and is made of a rare stone. It also has gems on it. Unlike my siblings I am not a god. So, I can't change from or height.

Poseidon takes his seat by Zeus. I notice Zeus does not have his bolt. He looks furious.

"Someone has stolen my bolt." His voice booms.

I gasp along with the others.

"Who could have stolen it, my lord? It couldn't have been on of us." Artemis says.

"Why don't you ask Poseidon?" he growls.

Poseidon hisses, "How dare you make such an accusation?"

"I recently found out you broke your oath. You had a son named Percy Jackson."

Even Ares looks up from playing with a blade. I look to Hestia who is shocked.

"I haven't seen my son since he was a baby." Poseidon says.

"Enough of this! Find my bolt!" Zeus growls.

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