Switching sides

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He holds out his hand, "Care to dance?"

Reluctantly I take his hand. We walk out to the dancefloor.

"Beautiful dress." he complements.

I sigh, "Why don't you just get to it?"

He chuckles with a small nod, "Fine then choose your side."

Let's do this, "I'll join the Titans if you swear you will bring her back."

Kronos twirls me around, "I swear on the River Synx I will bring Karla back."

Lightning strikes in the sky. Dad smiles wickedly, while I frown.

"Go to Atlas and I will see you there later." He walks away.

Drew looks over to me and heartbreak fills his eyes. I walk to the apartment and change . Then I finish packing my bags. Drew walks into the room with the others. Everyone gives me a hug and I kiss Drew on the lips.

"Protect them and keep fighting." I say.

Then I head outside to my motorcycle and head out.

Soon I get to the mountain and head up. A shadow drapes over me and I end up in front of Hades castle. Not now! I get off of my bike and look around.


"What were you thinking?!" He walks out of the shadows, "You just joined our father."

"You think I don't know that already?" I cross my arms, "Yes I did."

He glares, "Why would you do such a foolish thing?"

I need to get to the mountain before Kronos does. I take out my sword as he takes out his. He takes the first swing and I dodge it. We fight for a little and soon I disarm him.

"Hades ask Drew and tell him I told you to ask. I have a plan, but I need to go now if I am going to pull it off." reasoning with the devil is so freaking hard.

He gives me a unsure look. I get back on my motorcycle and look at him.

"You need to trust me. The last time you didn't I was right." I refer to Jackson and the bolt.

Hades groans, "This is different, Aurora. This is dangerous for you and everyone."

Before I can reply he waves his hand and I am in a cell. I let out a groan and try to break free. Not good at all. If I don't get to Atlas Kronos will be pissed.

Walking back and forth in the cell I remember when I was 6...

I smile and run around Olympus. Suddenly I see a dark shadow opening. Hades steps out and I run over to him. He chuckles and lifts me into the air. Zeus walks over to us and gives Hades a cold look.

"Hello brother." Hades greets.

"I have some stuff to do. Can you please watch her?" Zeus asks gritting his teeth.

Hades nods and we head to the underworld. A ghost comes in as we play. Brother stands up and glares at the man. They talk about something in hushed voices and I frown. Then they come back over to me.

"Aurora I have to go do something. Minos will look after you." Hades says and leaves.

Minos grabs onto me and we are in the dungeon. He throws me in one of the cells and locks me. I scramble to stand up and go to the door.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"You think I would actually put up with you. What a dumb kid?" He growls, "I will be back before your brother finds out."

Then he leaves. I look around to find something to break the lock. Soon I remember the small dagger in my boot. Quickly I pick the lock like Hermes taught me. Smiling the door opens and I step out. Thinking ahead I go back in and place the dagger in a hiding place. Then I run out. I run outside to the river. Charon sails over to me.

"Where is my brother?" I ask.

"He is at court, my lady." He says in monotone.

I nod, "Take me to him."

I get in the boat and we go to the court house. Running in the doors several ghosts gasp. Hades sits at the head of the hall looking shocked. He silences the ghosts.

"Minos locked me in a cell." I tell him.

Rage fills his eyes and he calls Minos....

Looking around I realize that this was the same cell. I walk over to the hole in the wall and pull out my dagger. Quickly I pick the lock and hide the dagger again. Hey, it helped me twice it could help again. With a smile I find my bike and hop on. Before Hades has the chance I shadow travel away.

Soon I get to the cave and walk in. Right away I hear Atlas begging to have someone else take his burden. I smile and watch the others ignore him. Atlas sees me and anger fills his eyes.

"YOU!" He bellows.

Prometheus sees me and smiles, "Good to see you again Aurora. I was worried something had happened to keep you away."

"I did as I was asked give me a second chance!" Atlas goes on looking ticked and tired.

Helios is here and let's out a groan, "You had to get him started again."

Atlas growls, "Make her hold the sky!"

I give him a 'are you serious' look. Helios rolls his eyes and leans against the wall.

"No, Kronos likes you where you are." a woman walks out of the shadows, "And he would never make her take your place."

She looks beautiful and I can tell by her aura she is a Titan. Her dress looks like it has on it.

"Aurora this is . " Helios introduces, "Your cousin."

I nod to her and she does the same. A sense of fear fills the air and I sigh.

"Phobos, Deimos you suck at your job." I say.

Two groans sound and step out of their hiding place.

"How did you know?" Phobos wines.

I look at him, "You two are way obvious."

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