oh brother

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I walk out of the big house. Percy tells Chiron about a prophecy.

"If he goes I go." I say.

Chiron looks like he is about to argue but I cut him off, "I promised my brother I'd protect him. You know I don't break my promises."

He sighs and nods. Annabeth, Grover, Percy and I get in the van. We drive to a bus stop. I sense a dark presence near.

Annabeth nudges me, "Dark ones."

I look around and notice the three Furies.

I say to her, "You take Percy, I'll distract them."

She nods and tells the others. She gives Percy her hat and he becomes invisible. I stand up and walk behind the others. I stop at the sisters. I sit in an empty seat next to one.

"Hey I missed you girls. I had hoped we could hang out." I chirp.

"Where is the bolt?" one hisses.

I tsk, "Now that is very rude. I thought you would be more polite."

Percy trips and the hat falls off.

"It is him!" one hisses.

I mutter, "Moron."

I stand up as they change. I take my blade and stab the one sister next to me. Annabeth attacks the other sisters and we run off the bus. Suddenly the bus explodes.

"Our stuff!" Grover yells.

I groan, "At least we have our weapons."

I look behind me to see a building. The sign says 'Auntie M's Garden'. The others nod and we walk in. We split up to look for a person. My head starts to hurt and I black out.

I stand up in a black room. Looking around I come face to face with Hades. He looks at me pissed.

"Brother," I greet.

He gives me a stern look, "Why aren't you on Olympus?"

"I am on a quest." I say simply.

"My Furies keep coming back to me in pieces. They tell me you are protecting the boy." he replies.

I roll my eyes, "Ya I am helping, Percy. And he is our nephew. You already killed our niece, I will not let you kill him."

"AURORA!" I flinch at his outburst, "We made an oath you know what the prophecy foretold.Go home before I take you down by me."

I sigh, "Ya, I know what the prophecy said and I don't care. I promised Poseidon I would aid Percy and you know I don't break my promises."

Hades reaches for me and I through my hands out, "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!"

My brother is thrown away from me and I wake up. Grover stands over me.

"You're okay." he breathes in relief.

Percy walks over, "What happened, we just took down Medusa?"

I groan Hades had been distracting me.

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