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When I wake up we are in Hollywood. We walk up to the Hollywood sign. I open the entrance to Hell  literally. We walk in and they gasp. I sigh since this isn't the first time I've been here.

I notice some evil souls. Percy sees them and we run into a shop I've never seen before. Looking around I see three mattresses. Soon a man walks out from the back of the store.

“Let me guess, the souls?” we nod and he groans, “Those no good souls. I am Crusty.”

We nod, “Nice to meet you. Mind if we wait out here for a bit?”

He smiles, “Sure why don't you try out a bed. They are perfect.”

Grover smiles and lays down. His eyes gleam like he's in heaven.  I roll my eyes.

“So close.” he turns to Annabeth, “Why don't you try this one?”

She lies on the bed and smiles. Percy and I give each other a look.

“Why don't you try this one?” he says to me.

I reply, “No thanks.”

He throws me into the bed and snaps his fingers. Ropes wrap around our arms and legs.

“So close.” he grabs onto Percy, “Don't worry I have a bed for you to. But first I need to stretch your friends a bit.”

More ropes grab onto us and start to pull. He is stretching us. I groan in pain.

“They might even survive.” I struggle to get free, but fail.

I zone out as I have such a hard time breathing. Suddenly I am realised. I gasp for breath and crawl off the bed. Finally I catch my breath and stand up.

Percy smiles, “Hey, you do look taller.”

I growl, “Don't say another word.”

He puts his hands up in surrender. We make it after an hour to the palace. We walk towards the entrance and Cyburs growls.Annabeth throws a ball and he runs after it.

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