Best nephew on my side!

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"No I refuse! You will do no such thing!" Zeus booms.

I open my mouth to reply, but Athena does, "Father, Percy said that they had a spy at camp, maybe this could help us."

Zeus shows the lightning in his eyes. Apollo looks at me and looks concerned.

"There is more, isn't there?" everyone looks at me.

I look down, "Kronos has a way bring back my mother."

Hera's and Zeus's eyes soften.

I bite my lip, "I want her back and if he can do it I want to try."

Hera puts her hand on my shoulder, "How could he do this?

I look at them, "Apollo remember that box that Karla gave you all to give to me?"

He nods, "Yeah, I said that she asked us to give it to you when you were ready."

"Well I got it and found a ring in it. Mom gave it to me to have." I say.

Apollo and the others look at each other, "Aurora we never gave you the box."

Zeus disappears and returns, "It is gone."

"So the box went to you?" I nod.

I show them the box in my bag. Who gave me the box if it wasn't them?

"It is the box. What in it can bring her back?"

I reply, "A ring that can bring it's owner back to life."

Zeus growls, "Nevermind about the box. You will not go spy on him. I am sorry about your mother, but we need you with us. This is the end of this conversation."

I open my mouth to protest, but stop. Then I walk out of the room and head back to Drew. He smiles at the sight of me and gives me a hug. As we pull away he frowns at the look on my face.

"Call the others and tell them to get here now." I order.

Soon Jason, Payton, and Lexi get here. They look confused at the urgency.

"I have a plan to help us win the war and...and to bring my mother back." I start, "Please just hear me out. Kronos has given me til Sunday to join him and has a way to bring my mother back. I want to join him and spy on them. Anything important I find out I will send to you guys."

Payton shakes her head, "This seems risky."

"The Titans have a spy at camp and this could help us." I answer.

Drew asks, "And what happens when Kronos or his brothers figure it out?"

"I was born with the power to kill Gods. I know how to get him to believe me." in my head I feel like I am trying to convince myself, "We have six days to prepare."

Jason nods and stands beside me, "I am in."

Everyone gives him a shocked look.

He smirks, "Just think about the look on the Titan's faces when they see that their leader's daughter was fooling them all along."

Lexi smiles and steps over by us. Drew shows sadness in his eyes and fear.

"What did the God's say?" Payton asks.

"I am going against their wishes." I admit.

She sighs and walks over, "I must be insane."

Drew sighs, "I can't lose you."

I walk over to him and put my hands on his cheeks, "You won't I promise. I don't break my promises."

He groans and kisses my lips, "Good, but that means I am going to make good use of these days."

Two days have passed and my friends and I have been hanging out every chance we get. Kronos hasn't talked to me, but like always he watches me. Today is Wednesday and I have decided to use my key card to get into school at 7. Some teachers are already here and they don't mind. I left Drew sleeping with a note 30 minutes ago, so he is awake by now. Walking into the choir room I grab a guitar and sit down.

So much has happened in the last couple of years and so much can happen. I need to get my mother back and I need to save my Godly family. Without paying attention I have started to string some notes. Apollo taught me to sing and play instruments like: Guitar, Piano, drums, and flute. Slowly I start a song and sing. (). As soon as I finish someone claps. My head snaps over to Ares. He smiles at me and walks over. Setting the guitar down I give him a hug.

"What are you doing here?" I happy he is here, but why would he come?

"Phro and I know you are up to something. We just want you to know that we are there for you." he explains, "Honestly I think it is a great strategy to go undercover, but the moment you get in trouble get out of there."

I nod, "I will."

He smiles and we walk out into the hallway, "Just be careful."

With that he vanishes. I smile and head to my locker as more kids get here. Soon my eyes land on Trixy as she walks over to me.

"Hey, how's it going?" she says sweetly.

"We are not friends so don't even pretend." I growl.

She smirks and puts her hands on her hips, "That was mean, but I had it coming. I see you and Drew are getting along. He is kinda cute."

"What do you want?"

Trixy's eyes gleam, "Kronos hates him. Well I mean he is playing the dad card, you know."

"If he touches him-"

"Oh don't worry, he won't lay a finger on him. Nice talking to you." she walks away.

The doors open and Ares walks in with a smile. My eyes widen in surprise. Why did he come back here? This is going to be the hardest thing ever.

Sunday comes quicker than I thought it would. Today is the day Kronos will again ask me to join him and I will say yes. Drew, the others and I head to a party. I walk onto the dancefloor with Drew. He twirls me around to the song Amazed. My moves with me as we dance.With a smile I run over and give him a hug. He chuckles and spins me around. Eric walks over completely confused.

"What is going on here? Who are you?" he asks.

I think quickly, "Um, he is-"

Ares cuts me off shaking Eric's hand, "I am her uncle Ares."

I give him a weird look, seriously that is what you are going with? He smiles, just go with it, kid. Sighing I agree.

"Sorry to drop in, but I couldn't wait to see my favorite niece." Ares says.

Eric looks uneasy, "Your name is Ares?"

"Ya, like the Greek god of war." he is so enjoying this.

"And why did you in interrupt my class?" Eric's eyes fill with some anger.

My turn, "Um, Ares was gone in the military for years. I didn't realize he was coming back today."

It wasn't too far from the truth. Eric seems shocked. We take a break and go off to the side. Drew goes to talk to someone. Luke walks over and smiles at me. Here we go.

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