A race for the girl

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Kronos POV:

Damn it! Poseidon knocked her off of our ship. I wait for Oceanus to meet me. Soon a wave splashes onto the deck. My brother forms from the water with an annoyed look on his face.

"Where is she?" I growl.

"Aurora was talking to Poseidon and suddenly she couldn't remember him. I tried to get her to trust me, but instead she sent a rush of water at both of us and disappeared in a shadow." He explains, "So, all I know right now is that she is on land and is extremely confused."

I groan and grip onto the railing and feel it bend in my grip.

"I thought it was only supposed to erase some of her memories." He adds.

I reply with my teeth clenched, "It was, but because she wasn't near the ship I wasn't able to control it."

Prometheus walks over with Helios.

"Oceanus, continue your fight with my son. Report anything on Aurora." he goes back to the water, "Prometheus find Aurora and bring her to me. We need to find her before the gods do. She is extremely vulnerable."

Poseidon POV:

Oceanus suddenly swims away from me. Taking my chance I go to Olympus and call a meeting. Thankfully everyone comes quickly. Most seem annoyed at the timing of this meeting, but it is urgent.

"What is the meaning of this?" Hades walks in.

"Aurora lost her memories and ran away from me and Oceanus." I come out and say it, "Kronos took all of her memories away. She doesn't remember me or even Oceanus."

Everyone looks shocked and worried. Hades anger shuts down right away. Truth be told we all care for her deeply. Heck even, Dionysus, the one of us she always argued with looks worried.

Athena says after a moment of silence, "We need to find her. She doesn't know how much power she has."

Apollo nods, "If Kronos gets to her we will lose this war."

Zeus looks to everyone and nods, "Poseidon continue your battle. Ares and Artemis, search for her. Everyone keep an eye out and prepare for our battle. We may soon need to fight."

Everyone's eyes say the same thing 'please let us save, Aurora.'

Normal POV:

I walk around the city alone. For the past day I have been trying to remember things, but I come up blank. Walking into a abandoned building I find a room to rest in. My eyes close and I fall asleep...

"Aurora." I turn to find a man standing behind me.

"Who are you?" I ask taking a step back.

He smiles, "My name is Kronos and I am your father. I have come to take you home."

"Why should I trust you?" I ask crossing my arms.

Kronos takes a step towards me, "Because we are the same. Both of us have power over time. Also you don't have many other ways to learning your past. I can help you remember and protect you."

Reluctantly I agree. I need to know my past somehow.

He smiles knowing he won, "Where are you in the waking world?"

"New York." His smile drops.

Kronos sighs, "Alright I will find you just stay away from the empire state building."

Before I can reply he disappears. Should I trust him? I wake up and look out the window. The sad thing is I already am by the Empire State building. Why doesn't Kronos want me to go to there? With a deep breath I walk outside.

Walking past a couple shops I stand in front of the Empire State Building. Why does this place seem so familiar? What is wrong with me? Looking to the side I hear someone calling my name. Some biker dude is running towards me.On the other side I see a man with scars on his face coming towards me. Seeing two scary guys running towards me I run into a crowd.

Ares POV:

S*** she had to run into a crowd. I stop running and look around. Aurora wouldn't run from just me. Sure enough I look over to see Prometheus looking around. His eyes land on me and he frowns. I have to find her before he does.

"Ares it has been awhile." Prometheus greets.

"I don't have to ask to know why you are here. What did you do to her?" I growl.

He smiles, "This wasnt me. This was all Kronos."

I glare at him, "Stay away from her.

Not letting him reply I head into the crowd and search for two hours. Unfortunately she has the power to walk through shadows, so she could be anywhere by now. Suddenly I see the most beautiful woman heading towards me. My stress fades away at the sight of her.

"Hello love." Aphrodite walks over, "How's it going?"

"She disappeared again. Phro she is confused and in her mind we are the enemy." she takes my hand gently, "They have twisted her mind against what she has always known."

Phro sighs, "Not completely. Her heart has always been her weakness which means only her heart can save her."

"Drew." I realize, "Can you get him?"

She nods and disappears.

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