Titans go to school?

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We have been in Nashville for a month. Lexi didn't lie about knowing the place. Right away we met and . They are kids of Hermes. So far we haven't seen any of the Titan army. Honestly I am happy we haven't. The reason we haven't taken them to camp is because there are some other kids that may be half bloods here.

"Hey, Aurora want to come with for lunch?" Payton asks.

I nod, "Sure where are we going?"

"Pizza Hut of course." Jason says in a girly voice.

I hit him in the arm and we get in the car. We get to the place and get a booth. Lexi and Drew sit next to me. Jason sits beside Drew and his sister. We order some pizza and hang out.

"Well it is nice to see you all." Mrs. Nats walks over.

"It is nice to see you too." Payton says.

The man behind her shakes our hands, "Kids this is my husband Randy. Honey this is Aurora, Lexi, Drew, Payton, and Jason."

Jason smiles, "Nice to meet you, sir."

"Well I will see you at school." they walk away.

Oh, did I forget to mention we joined the school? We actually have fun at school, yet like other students we hate academic classes. Soon we get our pizza and start eating.

"So what are you doing for a sport?" Jason asks.

Drew replies, "I am thinking about soccer. How about you?"

Payton rolls her eyes, "He is doing basketball of course. I on the other hand am in volleyball and on the Dance squad."

Lexi raises an eyebrow, "Dance squad?"

"Ya it is like cheerleading, but more fun." she says, "Actually the team is at a big competition right now. I would be with them, but I got sick."

I snicker and she glares at me.

"So, when are you going to give us our own weapons?" Jason rubs his hands in happiness.

I roll my eyes and look to Drew. He nods at me with a smile.

"Sure, tomorrow after school meet me at the apartment." they nod happily.

The next day we go to school. I head to gym and do laps. Gym is my third block. Soon our coach walks in and smiles watching us. I stop running and walk by Lexi. Lexi texts on her phone and coach sees her. He sighs and walks over to us. His arms are crossed when he gets over.

"I will take this." he takes her phone, "Just because you are my niece doesn't mean. You can break the rules."

Yes, like I said she had family here and Eric is her uncle. Lexi looks like she is about to argue, but doesn't. He walks away and I giggle. Lexi hits me in the arm and glares at me. We walk to the rest of the class. The principal walks in with three kids. Right away I recognize Luke...or Kronos...whatever.

"Can I help you?" Eric asks.

"These are our new students. They are here to observe today." Principle Tate says.

I notice Kronos's eyes are blue instead of gold.

Eric nods and calls us over, "Class I would like you all to meet some new students."

Kronos introduces them, "I am Luke and this is Heath and Trixy."

Soon I can see the similarity of Helios. "Heath" is my uncle, but younger. on the other hand is different, yet she does resemble Hecate. I can sense the mist around her and know she is definitely Hecate.

"Would you kids like to join us for the game today?" Eric asks.

I give Kronos a hard look and he smiles, "Maybe after awhile of watching."

Eric nods and turns to us, "Alright I want Aurora, Jason, and Andrea to be our team of three. Then Drew, Payton, and Jake pick your teammates."

We nod and head to our corners. Since our class is so small and uneven we have one team of three. I am normally put on that team because I rock at this game...or because he thinks it is funny. Eric throws the ball to me and blows his whistle. Since the red team is the one that is the hardest to beat we go for them.

After three steps I bounce the ball to Jason. Drew is the closest to us on the red team. As soon as I get the ball back I throw it at him. He dodges it and grabs the ball. We run back so that he can't get at us. This goes on and I know my dad is watching me. Glancing over he and my uncle smirk at me. I roll my eyes and continue playing. Drew throws the ball and it hits me. So I go and sit out. Soon he is hit out and sits by me.

"Sorry babe." he says.

I hit him hard in the arm, "Now we are even."

He rubs his arm smiling. We watch our team finish the game. As soon as class ends I go to change. Stepping out of the locker room I see Kronos talking to "Trixy". She walks away and I walk over to him.

"What the Hades are you doing here?" I hiss.

He smirks at me like always, "I am here because I have to be in school, I am a kid."

"Cut the crap you are an ancient titan in a 20 year old's body." I snap crossing my arms.

"Language," Kronos replies, "Last I checked you are several millennia old as well."

I growl, "Whatever, what do you want?"

"Can't I just be here for my beautiful daughter?" he asks innocently.

"No, last time I saw you, you were attacking my camp. You would only come here if you could gain something." I reply.

He chuckles, "You are a bright girl. I will admit that you are right I am here for a reason, but what would be the fun of telling you. No, I want you to try to figure it out."

I cross my arms and glare at him. He takes a step closer. His eyes change to gold as he looks down on me. Changing my eyes I glare at him.

Kronos's voice is cold, "And when you do figure it out I have a feeling you will change your answer."

The sound of teens coming down the hallway makes him change his eye color back.

He whispers in my ear as he walks past me, "We will have another chat soon, darling."

After he is gone I stand there for several minutes. The bell snaps me out of my trance. Crap I am late for my next class. Groaning I head to my history class and get scolded by the . If I didn't know better I'd say he has it out for me. Payton flashes me a confused look and I give her a look that says 'I will explain later.'

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