The mission

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The meeting ends and Poseidon pulls me away, as I walk towards the lake. His eyes are filled with worry.

"Sister I need your help. Please you must aid my son. Please don't hate me for breaking the oath." he pleads.

I reply, "Brother dear, I don't hate you, how could I. How can I aid him, I can't leave Olympus?"

"Then let this be a quest. Aid my son and help him find and return the bolt." he says.

I smile widely.

"Just be careful." he says.

I nod and head to my room. I quickly change clothes. Then a knock sounds at my door. Ares walks in with his arms crossed.

"What?" I ask.

"You're leaving." he observes.

I sigh, "What do you want?"

He smiles, "Just be careful dumb dumb."

I scoff, "Oh come on you taught me how to fight."

He chuckles and tosses my blades over, "Keep them on ya."

I roll my eyes and he leaves. Ares and I had always been the best of friends. Hermes lent me his car. Artemis gave me my own bow as well. I drive to a museum that my Centaur brother told me Percy would be at.

I walk in the museum and see a class following Chiron. I smirk and walk over to them.

"Who is he?" a boy asks.

I smile and say, "Kronos."

The class looks at me.

"He is the father of the great three." I continue, "His sons chopped him up and took over his kingdom."

"Do you really believe that?" he asks.

I look to him, "It is my religion."

I glance to the man in the wheelchair, Chiron. Chiron nods telling me this boy is Percy. Honestly he is kind of cute.

"Thank you miss." Chiron says.

I nod and walk ahead. After a little while I notice Percy is gone. Chiron looks around and his eyes meet mine. He rolls over to me with some kid on crutches following.

"Where did he go?" I ask.

"I don't know he disappeared." the kids says.

I ask, "Who are you? ... Wait you're Grover the satyr that lost my niece."

He doesn't meet my eyes, "I didn't mean to loss her. I don't want to loss Percy too."

Anger burns in me.

"Aurora we need to help Percy." Chiron says.

Before I can reply we hear a yell. I run into a storage department. A fury flies at Percy. I take my blades out and throw it at her arm. She shrieks in pain and drops Percy.

"Fury leave him alone or I will rip your bones out." Chiron shouts.

She hisses at him and flies at Percy again. Grover throws a sword at Percy. Percy slices her wing. I use my time power and hold her.

She cries, "My lady, please my lord wants the bolt."

I glare, "I do not care. This boy is under my protection you will leave or be destroyed."

She trembles, "I'll leave."

I release her and she flies away. Percy starts to shake. His sword is now a pen. I kneel beside him.

"Percy give me the pen." I say gently.

I look away. Whenever I use my powers my eyes change to purple. He gives me the pen.

"What is happening?" he asks.

Chiron calls, "We need to get him to camp."

I nod, "Grover you are coming with me. Percy we need to go now."

 He gets up and we run down the street. We slow down to walking quickly.

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