Voting and leaving yet again

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Finally he orders, “Hermes tell Dionysus to return to camp. Aurora-”

The ground rumbles and I fall forward. We all hear a loud howl. Typhon!

Zeus says quickly, “Aurora go back to camp we will deal with this.”

Poseidon says, “I must return to my fight.”

We all leave and I get back to camp. Dionysus has his arms crossed in front of me.

He grumbles, “Are you coming? The trial has begun.”

We head to the woods and I say, “One of your sons have died.”

He nods with anger in his eyes, “I know.”

“I am so sorry,” I say taking his hand gently.

He nods and thanks me. We get to the trial and they are already voting.

“I vote Grover stays.” Dio and I say.

The grumpy satyr says, “That is 4-3 he is banished.”

“Ah, but a god's vote counts as 2 so we are tied.” Mr. D replies.

Before the satyr can argue he says, “I have just learned my son is dead you would do well to humour me.”

I smirk and hold back a laugh. We head to a big bonfire. The others dance and I frown. My father has returned and will try to destroy us all. Drew walks over and sits by me. Sighing I lay my head on his shoulder.

“So, today I met the father of the girl I love. Unlike I expected he did not threaten me like a normal dad would, but instead took over the body of a boy. Now he wants to take over the world and kill everyone that is in his way of power.” Drew kisses my forehead, “The weird thing out of all of that is that I love this girl so much that I wouldn't change anything about this life. So, long as I have you I don't care about all the evil in the world.”

I smile and kiss his cheek, “I love you too. We will get through this.”

He nods and stands up. Drew turns to me and holds out his hand. I raise an eyebrow.

He smiles, “This is the most peaceful time we have had all year and I want to make the most of it. So, Lady Aurora will thee do me the honor of dancing with thee?”

I giggle and take his hand, “Yes, but please do not talk like that. You are not very good at it.”

We dance around the fire with the others and after so long everything seems perfect. My friends all seem to be happy and dance. I wish this happened more often. The next day we walk to the living room. Dio sits in his chair talking to Chiron.

“He will attack soon.” Chiron runs his hand through his hair.

“Which means we need to find as much help as we can.” I walk in the room with Drew behind me.

“She is right. Aurora and Drew there are some kids in Nashville. You should go get them before...well you know what.” Chiron says.

Dio sighs, “Alright go on.”

We nod and head outside. Lexi runs over to us as we put our bags in the truck.

“I want to come with.” she says quickly.

Drew and I look at each other, “ Why do you want to go?”

“Some of my family lives there. I know the town and I could help.” she says.

I sigh, “Alright get ready we leave in a hour.”

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