Clarisse's hometown

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Soon we get to Clarisse's hometown and she directs us to a cave. We park the truck and walk in.

"I wouldn't go in there." an old woman walks to the entrance.

I ask, "Why not?"

She replies, "You look like you would know why. I can tell in your eyes you have seen many things, young one. Some men came out of there with a couple of monsters a few hours ago."

I raise an eyebrow, "You know about monsters?"

She nods, "Like I said I have seen many things. These men had something different about them. It was something powerful."

"Where did they go?" Drew asks.

She points, "Into town."

We walk out of the cave and I stop by her, "Thank you."

She grabs my arm, "I don't have to see them to know that something bad is coming. In you I can sense power and goodness. Please protect these people."

I nod, "Of course."

Clarisse asks, "Have we met before?"

The woman laughs, "Yes, and I hope to see you again, daughter of Ares. I know your family well. Good luck to you all and if you need a house to stay in find me."

She turns to leave and I stop her, "Wait, who are you ma'am?"

She smiles at me, "My name is Padme."

With that she leaves and we drive into town.

"Okay she said that they came into town, but why would they come here through the labyrinth?"

I reply, "The labyrinth connects to the whole world. I bet there is a way to camp even. What if that is why they are in it?"

Drew nods, "Then the whole army could be in there. Peter text Chiron and tell him about everything we have found."

Clarisse adds, "But why did they go to town?"

I sigh, "Because they want the army to grow. Clare is the night club still here?"

She nods, "Yeah why?"

"Because I know there are a lot of half bloods there. One time I snuck out and met a few friends. We formed a little group against the law on singing and dancing. After getting the law revoked we made the club open to everyone." I explain, "If I can find them, I bet they would help."

Drew nods and asks, "Alright so where do we go?"

This is going to be a pain, "To the center of town. If I'm right they will have a flash mob about to start."

Everyone gives a confused look. Drew drives into a parking lot. We walk on the sidewalk and I see one of my friends. Next to her I see a couple of the others. She looks up from her phone and sees me. Tara smiles widely and says something to the others. They look over and stand up. Laney runs over quickly.

"Your back!" Laney hugs me.

I nod, "I need some help with something." I hug back.

Taylor crosses her arms, "You know the price."

"Please no." I say.

She has an evil glitter in her eyes, "Yup."

Drew asks, "What is going on?"

I sigh, "She wants me to do the flash mob with them. I don't even know what song you are doing."

Laney puts her arm around my shoulder, "It is Let's go"

Mara smiles, "The dance routine is the same as it has always been."

I let out a breath and turn to the others, "No videos and keep an eye out. Hopefully this will be over soon."

Drew nods, "Alright good luck."

The girls drag me off to get changed. When I walk back outside I make sure the others don't see me. Then I get in the car for the mob. This should be interesting. Soon I see Lexi and honk the horn. Finally the song ends and instead of driving away the crowd cheers. I walk over to Drew.

"You did that?" Clarisse asks in total shock.

I sigh and nod, "Yup."

Laney and the girls come over, "Alright what do ya need?"

"Has anyone suspicious come here asking you if you were a halfblood?"

They shake their heads and I feel eyes on me. I ignore whatever Peter is saying. Looking behind me I see the man from the alley and two others with him. No monsters are in sight. The youngest one is no doubt a half blood, but the others I think are titans. One of the men I soon recognize as Prometheus.

"Guys they are here." I say.

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