Olympus Infirmary Talk

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Few days later........

Salomao opened his eyes only to see a while ceiling. The smell of a hospital came into his nose. He groaned slightly as a ray of light shot into the room. He then heard someone else groaned slightly too.

   " Tell Apollo to stop doing that. It only freaking morning." Someone groaned out. Apparently both Salomao and this person realized something and shot up. Salomao panicked a little and touches himself to make sure his cloak is on. He then turned to around to see who was groaning. It was Thalia who also looked around the room alarmed by it.

    " Don't worry, we had Hades healed you since only Hades could have healed you." Someone else said opening the door. Thalia and Salomao both glared Apollo who came in the room.

    " Why am I with her/him!" They both exclaimed at the same time and then turned around and glared at each other. It was a few moment of a glaring contest before they huffed and turned away.

  Salomao's POV

 I watched as Thalia tried to get off the bed. She hadn't change since 500 years ago. Always stubborn and don't want any help. Instead of successfully standing up and walking, she just landed in the arms of Apollo who instructed her to be careful. I chuckled slightly as I saw Thalia's legs wobbled trying to balance herself. She glares at me for making fun of her but I thought it was quite cute actually.  I always admired how Thalia was always so a leader who helps others. If it weren't her joining the hunt maybe she would have become the hero instead of me. After all, I am not fit of being a hero. I couldn't save anyone and I couldn't even do anything with someone helping me. I couldn't even have her...........be loyal to me. I am just an useless person.

 Then, Artemis walked in the room and hugged her tightly. I saw Thalia winced a little but she hugged back. Then Artemis glares at her and came over me and also glared at me. I smirked inside and opened my arms wide open. But instead of getting a hug, I got a slap in the face.

   " Hey this is not fair! Why does she get a hug and I get a slap." I complained rubbing my face. Artemis's glare soften a little but then hardened it again.

    " Cause I'm a hunter and you are annoying." Thalia  said triumphantly. Artemis turned around to glare at her. That had cause Thalia to shiver a little bit. I smiled inside my mask.

    " Are you guys stupid. You almost destroy the whole forest and the hunters! Did you guys think that it was a playground and that you could mess it up whenever you want!" She yelled and then hugged Thalia.  Her eyes were a little bit teary as she held Thalia. Thalia didn't know what to do but just patted her mistress's back in comfort. I just sighed and got up. My legs are weak but I was still able to stand.

   " Hey why can he stand and I can't" Thalia complained looking at her useless legs right now. I just smirked and mouthed I won. She just rolled her eyes.

    " Oh you don't want to be that guy right now. His body systems is nearly in a state of unrepairable. If it isn't because of Hades and that he's somehow have some many friends that could help him, he be dead right now." Apollo told Thalia.

  " Friends?" She questioned. I rolled my eyes at that kind of question. 500 years and she haven't change yet.

   " Yes Ms. Grace, I have a better social life than you." I said to Thalia who just glared at me. Artemis however wasn't so amused.

    " You're in the Olympus infirmary and you guys are still arguing." She said in a slight motherly tone. I'm guessing it because she had been the mother of the hunt for thousand of years.

   " What I mean is what kind of friends not social life. Plus, I do have a social life excuse me sir unlike you always in the forest so much!" She retorted back. However, that retort wasn't exactly a good one as I just looked at her expected her to realize her mistake. As I expected, Thalia blushed as red as those eyes of hellhounds as she realized her mistake. She glares at me and mouthed shut up. I just grinned back.

 Third Pov

   Both Thalia and Salomao argued for a while until all of the Olympians gathered in this tiny room.

 " Hey Apollo do you somehow have air refreshers or purifier or something to get this stink away. Gods, this room smells like old rotten rats in those alleyways." Salomao said. His nose scrunched up inside his mask.

   " What happened?" Poseidon said blankly. His sea green eyes looked at the masked hunter. Athena frowned at that expression. It had been 500 years and the same expression had been wore every time Poseidon actually gathers with his family. She tried to argue with him but every time he just kept making up excuses for it. Artemis explained the whole situation to Poseidon nervous of what's going to happen since this whole thing did get into the topic of his missing son. Throughout the story, Poseidon just kept a stoic expression. No mood swings neither did signals of any emotions been shown or so the almost all the Olympians thought. Even though he kept that expression, Hestia, Athena, and Salomao knew he was hurting. Hestia knew because after all he is her little brother. Athena knew because she is parent too. After Annabeth went to that place....... she tried avoiding her. So every time if she does sees her, she would keep a stoic expression to show no emotions. But that was around 500 years ago. Salomao knew because of the breathing. When Artemis would mention Percy, Poseidon's breath would quicken a little and then calms down. He frowned a little for this.

   After hearing the story, Zeus just looked at them expectantly. Especially to his daughter. Sal and Thalia just looked down and mumbled a sorry. Zeus nodded happy that they did what he expected and was ready to flashed away. But before he did that he said something to Salomao.

    " Just say hi to them for me okay." Zeus said. But Salomao shook his head.

   " Mr. Lord of Sky, if you want to be apologetic. Go say sorry yourself. I'm not your messenger who just goes around and send your stupid messages. No offense to Hermes and you." He said shooting an apologetic look to Hermes who just nodded. Zeus sighed and just nodded before flashing out. Knowing their king had flashed out, most of them did too. Before Salomao could leave, Apollo intercept.

   " Mr. Hunter, your injuries haven't healed yet. You and Ms. Grace still have two months of treatment to do." Apollo said. Salomao protested but Apollo won't have it. He ordered Salomao to rest and Salomao just listened. The masked hunter sighed in frustration and looked at Thalia.

  "Hey my official roommate, let's try getting along okay. I annoy you and you annoy me. I kiss you and you kiss me okay?" He said grinning.

  A groan could be heard in the room and a laughter too.


AN: I tried to publish as fast as possible. Don't have the exact time , I just do when I'm done.

 "Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory."

 -Dr. Suess

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