Back At White Plains...

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At White Plains.......

" Gods Dammit!" Phoebe yelled throwing her phone across the room.

It bounces off and hit right to the ground and still did not break.

The screen opened showing the record of her calling Samuel.

390 miss calls.

Zoey walked in the room looking at the phone half sympathetically.

What's more she wonders is how this phone haven't get broken after 9 times getting launched purposefully.

" Chill Phoebe. Maybe Samuel is doing something important these days." Zoey try to assure her.

But Phoebe knew the truth. She knew that Samuel was Salomao Hunter.

His reason to go to New York City wasn't to return the LEGO sets he bought at Macy's.

Or go to Empire State Building and got to each floor and count how many rooms is there instead of searching up in Google.

He wanted to see whether Google was accurate or not according to Phoebe.

Somehow, to everyone in White Plains, it was very believable for Samuel Fowler to do that.

" Let's go on a walk. Maybe that will relief that worries of yours." Zoey said throwing her a light jacket.

" My House is my habitat though......." Phoebe groaned but still put on the jacket.

Outside (Very descriptive I know).....

" What should we have? Sushi? Wendy's? Mexican food? Pizza? Or are we just having a nice lovely stroll?" Phoebe said the last part a little disappointed.

" As long as it's not shopping grocery or clothes. I'm okay with anything." Zoey reply back.

" Ok, let's go to Las Vegas then." Phoebe said back searching up how far Las Vegas is.


" You do know Las Vegas is in Nevada right?" Zoey asked.

" You said you're okay with anything. Now when is the first flight....?" She muttered the last part.

" I sometimes really hate you and your personality." Zoey said sighing.

Phoebe looked up from her phone and simply smiled innocently at her.

" Love you too, best friend." Phoebe said grinning.

They stopped at a bakery.

Looking inside there, they could see the fine rolls of bread displaying there waiting for them.

A smell of bread came out as a young man came out holding a bag of bread rolls, bread sticks, baguette, and Anpan.

Phoebe looked at the bread like a hungry wolf.

" Are you ready to raid the bakery Zoey?" Phoebe asked.

" Yes my partner in crime." Zoey said licking her lips hungrily.

They rushed into the bakery. Grabbed out their credit card and started grabbing every one of them.

" This. This. Oh and this as well. We can't also spare this. Muhahahaha be in my stomach!" Phoebe yelled out loud.

The other customers looked at the two girls in shock.

By the time, they were out of trance, the two ladies already empty the place and they were even nice enough to write them out of stock signs.

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