Before His Message

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Few Nights before The Message...

She slowly walked up to Sal's body. Her blue and brown eyes stared at that motionless body. She sat next to the body and just laid there.

She never meant to be a part of this. Kill him wasn't her intention. Sure she decided to spy on him but never did she once had the intention to kill him.

She only wanted to hurt him a little.  Just to back him off. Just to keep him from this whole mess.

And that night when she hurt him, that kind of pain can't be expressed............

And now he's dead...............

" I-." Chastin started but instead, tears started running down her face. And she tried to wipe it away.

But it just won't go away.

She only came just to say sorry. Why did it become so emotional?

He was only a stranger and an enemy.

So when did she started to care for him?

She was the warrior who's personally trained by End. And yet here she was crying..............

And here it was. Under the crescent moon, a girl next to a body sobbing not knowing why.

And after a while, the tears were dried up. Chastin walked out and here under a tree, Celena stood there.

" I knew you would be here," Celena said softly. Chastin's eyes grew fierce and as fast as she can, she slammed Chastin into the tree behind her.

  " Who in the name of Chaos is he!?" She muttered in a dangerous voice. She's not stupid.

How can a stranger affect her so much? The only thing that it could be is Sal is special to her.

" Let me go," Celena said to her calmly. But Chastin didn't. A dangerous look flashed in Celena's eyes.

" I said let me go," Celena repeated.

" Who is he?" Chastin demanded. Celena, however, was silent.

" You'll regret this if you hear this Chastin...." Celena said softly looking straight into the blue and brown eye girl.

  And then she muttered a spell. Suddenly, one of Chastin's eye flashed green.

" What-." Chastin didn't finish her sentence.

"Your eyes turn green.  It's the blessing of Poseidon. 500 years ago, a woman named Sally was blessed by Poseidon himself. She was pregnant with a baby girl and Poseidon blesses the unborn child as a gift to his ex-lover. The two had a son before and since the woman has moved on. Poseidon felt it was needed to give his blessings." Celena said.

Chastin's eyes widen and then took a step back.

" No.........." Chastin muttered stepping back while Celena took a step towards her.

" don't even realize sometimes your eye green. But we all do. We all know-." Celena said.

" No!" Chastin yelled. A few cabin window had their lights opened then.

Celena looked at it and then glared at Chastin.

" Let's go," Celena muttered grabbing Chastin's hand. But she just shook it off.

" Go away I just need a little time off of you guys," Chastin said tiredly. How did this happen?

Celena understood and then just flashed out leaving Chastin near the woods.

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