Daughter of Ares Morgan

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Love can be refer as many things.......
Such as books, sea, and many other things.
  However, Sailor likes to refer it as a rose. Something beautiful and yet it also have thorns.

   He walked on the silent streets of Seattle, Washington. The streets were awfully quiet considering it was a city full of people and noises.

    Suddenly, lots of police cars blocked the way of Sailor.
   " Put your hands up and surrender!" A cop shouted pointing a gun at him. Few cops ran out of their hiding spot and pointed at Sailor with their guns also. Sailor just gave them his best sadistic smile and before one could shoot, he disappeared.

   Not a trace of him is left behind. The police looked around trying to find him. Suddenly, a loud thud and when the cops turn around, all they saw is one of their associate hanged on a wall half dead. Blood beside it says

    The blood continues to drip from it spot and it seemed like the scene came right on from a horror movie.

   Sailor looked at their horrified faces above the building. He chuckled slightly.
   " Mortals these days are still so naive." He spoke amused. Sailor the got up from his spot.
  He still had a lot to do and he had no time to waste. Night was the perfect time to kill and he wasn't going to waste any time.

  He ran across the buildings trying to find his destination. His yellow eye in his mask searched for the warehouse he wanted.

After a while, he found it outside of the city.
" Screw you Chronos, not giving me the accurate place." He muttered angrily. The warehouse wasn't that big nor was it small. It was green and clearly was old and abandoned. Since there was moss and lots of other things. However, there was evident signs of someone living there.

Recent trash and dim light in the ware house. It was obvious someone lives in there.  Sailor carefully trespass the warehouse. He followed the source of the dim light. There in the corner he saw two woman huddled together around a campfire.
One was a woman in her 30's and one is around 7 or 8. They were obviously cold however the older woman didn't even hesitate and use her coat and covered it around the small girl.
" How is it cold? It's freaking August!" He muttered to himself. However, when he looked closely again. The two girls were wearing ripped clothes and both of them are soaked.
Sailor smacked his head at his own stupidity.
It was raining in Seattle few moments ago.

His smack was slightly louder than he thought.
" Who's there?" The young girl demanded jumping up and looking around cautiously.
" I swear if it those monsters." He heard her mumbled to herself. He sighed to himself and walked out.
"Nice job as a kid." He said clapping his hands. His face held a smirk. The young girl just scowled and grabbed her coat and pointed it at Sailor threateningly.

" What are you going to do with a coat?" He said crossing his arms. Behind the mask of his, his eyes were twinkling in amusement.

She then grabbed out a pocket knife that Sailor guess she had stole it from someone.
" Morgan Winters, don't you even dare to hurt that person! Not after you "accidentally" hurt someone." The older woman yelled standing up. Morgan turned around to glare at her.

  " Look mom, it's either we die or he die." She argues scowling at her mother.

" Okay now when did I say I was going to kill you. Do I really look like Jack the Ripper to you?!" He exclaimed. But no one listened as the two woman continue to glare at each other.

  Finally he cleared his throat to get their attention.
  " Women......" He muttered to himself. The masked hunter just looked at them smirking.
  " Do you know why I'm here?" He asked. The child just scowled at him.
  " To kill us of course!" She replied. But the hunter just looked at her.
  " No I'm going to bring you to Disneyland in Florida! The bills is on me." He said. The girl scowled even harder if it was possible. She gripped the pocket knife and lung at him. But Sailor just easily dodged that.

  " You're good for a kid." Sailor told her slightly impressed while dodging at each of her attack.
   " Thanks, I practiced it on people." She replied continue to slash at him while ignoring her mother's yelling.
   Sal just continue to dodge Morgan's attack.
  " Morgan! Stop it!" Her mother yelled and then grabbed her arm. She glared at her slightly before shifting her eyes to Sailor. She bowed slightly.
" Sailor Hunter..........." She spoke. The masked hunter just look surprised.

" I'm that popular these days?" He asked. The woman just nodded. Sailor looked happy for a moment.

" Well then, that makes my job easier." He told her. The mother nodded and looked at her daughter sadly. Morgan was confused. She know the legend about Sailor Hunter. But, she had thought that was just a legend nothing else.

" Wait, what's going on?" She asked confused of why her mother is looking sad at her.

" Look mortal girl, you are not just a human. You are a daughter of an Olympian, am I right?" He said the last part to the mother who nodded. Sailor then crossed his arms and looked at the mother.

" However, I didn't know that gods didn't have to take on the duty of being a father and a lover." He spoke angrily. The two women had to live in this abandon warehouse because this idiot god wouldn't at least give some money to help the mother to take care of his demigod child.

Who knew if they were going to survive this winter?
" Please don't be angry at Ares, he did e-." She said.

" He did enough? So you're saying that his freaking effort to help you was to get into your pants and be a father?" He interrupted looking at the mother incredulously.
The mother just looked down sadly.

" I- I." She tried to speak.

" Look mortal, even if there was one slight love between you guys. It doesn't matter anymore. Just because he gave you love doesn't mean he doesn't have to take responsibilities after those romantic times." He told her. It pained him to say that however it needed to be done. The mother believed that the father already did enough by giving her a child. But that isn't right considering he's a god.

Love may be like a fairytale or a rose. But, rose could have thorns and it could slowly rot away. Fairytales are not real in Sailor's mind. Fairytales are just stuff that was made up by mortals.

" Moving on, I'm going to have to Morgan to a special camp for special cases like her. Here is a small gift from the most awesome hunter in the universe." He told them while giving them a brown bag. Morgan carefully examined it. Sailor just rolled his eyes inside his mask.

" Just open it! It isn't like there is a pie in there ready to smack you in the face even though that would be awesome!" He said. Morgan glared at him and opened the bag. Five million dollars and a key.

" There is some money and a key to an apartment near here. I hope the five millions is enough. We didn't have much left so five millions is all we can give for now." He explained. Morgan looked at him incredulously.

" Are you a super star or something?"  Morgan asked.
  " No, I'm just a barista working in Starbucks." He answered back casually. Sailor then looked seriously at Morgan even though she couldn't see his eyes.

   " Hey Morgan, can I kill your father?" He asked looking all serious.
   " Sure, kill him and I won't even be at his godly funeral." She replied back casually ignoring her mother's protest.

   " If I get arrest by the gods, you better be my lawyer." He said.
   " Or I could just pretend I don't know you and put you in jail." She suggested. The masked hunter just shrugged.
   " Eh as long as I could kill your father. It's worth it. Well I'll be guiding you to camp and then I shall meet your father." He said cracking his fingers. His aura radiating with darkness and anger.

  " Oh dear lord Zeus." Morgan's mother said while sighing at the both of them's antics.


AN: Happy Easter and April Fools!

" They say time heals all wounds, but that presumes the source of the grief is finite."
   - Magnus Bane

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