After Night

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" His heart is failing! Quick get the defibrillator!" Apollo yelled. Hermès being the god of medicine and other stuff quickly grabbed the equipment.

The two and other god doctors are trying to save Salomao Hunter right now while the others healing gods and goddesses are treating Artemis.

" Fractured bones, a crack in the skull, burnt skin, and many more injuries. What did you do to yourself Sal?" Apollo muttered.

Even though he's a doctor but that doesn't mean he can save all lives. Life is life. If there is no chance of saving then there is no chance of saving.

This is how fate works.

" Nectar! Get nectar and ambrosia. But not too much! He'll burn up if you give him too much!" Apollo said. After detecting that Sal has leukemia, Apollo figured that he wasn't immortal. But a person who can live longer than others.

The electrocardiogram was showing that Sal's heartbeat is irregular. He is also suffering from blood loss.

" How many hours?" Apollo yelled.

" Been 4 hours milord." Someone replied back.

Right now Apollo is trying to get him back to a stable heartbeat.
Over the pass 4 hours, Sal's heart goes from failing to stable and repeating the process again.

The room was filled with intensity and so is on the outside. Thalia was pacing around waiting. She was gripping her hands so tightly praying to Tyche that Sal will survive.

She knew that Artemis will survive because she's a goddess and all. But Sal on the other hand suffers from leukemia and injuries that could be fatal.

The hunters are helpless when coming to this kind of stuff. All they could do is hope for the best.


" Where am I?" Sal asked looking around the place. He walked and walked and saw a river. A boat was floating on it with a man looking at him smiling wickedly at him.

Sal immediately recognized the person.
" Am I dead?" He said walking over to where Charon is.

The river Styx was flowing to somewhere. Everything there seemed.............dead.

" So what's your excuse this time Jackson?" Charon joked. Sal grinned slightly.

" Um this time I burn to death. Slept on the stove you know?" Sal said. He had met Charon after escaping Tartarus.

So they're basically besties now.

" Ready?" Charon asked. Sal looked over at the river.

Crossing the river means that he's officially dead. No hiding identities. No more burdens.

He's pretty sure that he had earned Elysium. There he could be happy and free. He stepped forward a little. He yearns for normal and a no quest life and here it is waiting for him in the underworld.

" Do you really want to?" A person whispered into his ear. He turned around and there was no one.

" C'mon! You told me so many things and how you wanted to paint your world with colors and now you want to die! Was that all fake? Are you a foolish person like I expected everyone to be?" The person whispered into his other ear.

Sal's face expressed confusion. Who is this? Then he thought back to his dream before. His eyes widen suddenly.

δικαιοσύνη (Justice).

" Bingo!" She muttered inside his head before a presence pushed him and into the Styx river.

However, this time he didn't feel the pain. But, he felt like a mortal drowning in a river. He couldn't swim and nor could he breathe underwater like he used to do.

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